Losing Control

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Sorry that it took so long for me to post something. I was on vacation and my laptop is broke. So I bought a new one, but that one was also not working. I had to return it and got a new one. This one is finally working so here's a new chapterrrr!!!!

I do need to put a trigger warning in this!! 

Also 2140 words!

Wanda didn't have a particularly good day. She was really jumpy and mostly in her room.

It was exactly 2 years since Pietro died. All the Avengers know, except Peter. No one ever told him about Pietro. Peter didn't exactly know what was wrong with Wanda, but he wanted to comfort her. Boi, what a big mistake was that.

Peter entered Wanda her room.

"Wanda?" He asks.

"Go away!" She whispers.

"Please I want to help you. I can..."

"Go away."


"GO AWAY!" She shouted while waving her arm at the door. A bunch of her red magic hit Peter in the head, which made Peter fall unconscious. A loud thud echoed through the empty hallways. Wanda stood there shocked. She couldn't handle it anymore. Why? Why would she hurt the only brother she still has? As she started crying even more, running footsteps came her direction. She looked up to see Steve.

"What happened?" He asks. But Wanda didn't give a response. "What did you do?!" Steve knelt down next to Peter and felt for a heartbeat. Wanda still didn't give any response, she sat against the wall with her head in her hands, crying. 

"Peter? Peter? Pete, you have to wake up. Can you wake up for me?" Steve didn't get any response from Peter. Steve picked Peters unconscious body up and walked away, leaving Wanda alone. 

A small time skip

P.O.V. Peter

I woke up in the medbay, alone. I never wake up alone. But anyways. What happened? Ah right. Wanda hit me with something. I sit up and scan the medbay fully. Why isn't Papa here? He's always here. As I stood up, I heard the door open but no one was there. I slowly walked to the door to hear voices. Papa and Bruce their voices. 

"Can't you just let him die?" Papa said.

"I wish I could but his metabolism would work right through it."

"That work something out!"

I heard the two-man walk away, tears fell out of my eyes. Were they talking about me?

After I calmed down I walked up the stairs to the living room and kitchen. I entered the living room and saw everyone on the couch. 

"Hey, guys!" I say happily. But no one answers. Not even one person turned to me. So I walked further into the living room so everyone could see me. "Hey." I tried again. But no-one answers. Which got me frustrated. So I stood in front of the TV. Now I got their attention. 

"Why are you ignoring me?"

"Leave." Tony says.


"He said LEAVE!" Bruce says.

"Why, what did I do wrong? If I did something wrong, sorry okay. I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't fix everything." Natasha says.

"But I..."

"Pack your shit and go. Get the fuck out of our sight!" Papa says.

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