I have no time

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When Peter woke up he felt awful. But did it stop him from going to school? Nope. Peter went to school like nothing was wrong. Ned and MJ asked if he was okay but he said yes as always. After school, he went to his job at some local supermarket. When he came home he went on patrol and did his homework afterwards. He went to sleep at 3 AM to wake up at 6 AM. Doing it all over again. Each day feeling worse than the last. But he had to continue, he had to. 

On Saturday it was lab day at the tower. Peter even went there. But what he didn't know is that FRIDAY gave some important information to Tony. 

"Boss Peter Parker just entered the building. He has a 102-degree fever and sleep-deprived."

Even before Tony could give a response Peter walked in the lab. 

"Hey, Tony!" He says enthusiastically.  

"Hey kid, why are you here?"

"It's lab day, who wouldn't I be here?"

"You're sick"

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes Peter you are, you have a fever of 102!"

"I do not. If you don't want me here I will just leave."

Before Tony could say anything Peter left. Peter called his work saying he could work all day except only the evening. So Peter worked till 10 PM and went to patrol till 4 AM. a

The next week went exactly the same. Everyone knew Peter was doing worse every day. But Peter would never accept it. He didn't have time to be sick, he needs to get going or they wouldn't make it. 

On Saturday he returned to the tower. 

"Hey, Pete!" Tony said as Peter entered. 


Tony was worried about Peter, but he just went back to work. 

"-er... -eter... Peter?" 


"Do you want some food?"

"Oh... uh no..."

"Are you okay?" Tony asks as he felt Peter's forehead, it was burning hot. "You're definitely not." Peter stood up and looked Tony in the eyes.

"I feel fin..." Peter's eyes rolled in their stocked as he fell unconscious. Tony barely catching him. Tony lifted Peter up and noticed how light he was. Unhealthy light. He brought Peter to a spare room and tucked him in. He then left the room to grab a cold cloth and some water. When he was back in the room he put the cloth on Peter his forehead to cool down the fever. 

It was around 6 PM when Peter woke up again. He shot up, instantly regretting that. As Tony pushed him back into a laying position, he finally recognized his surroundings. 

"How long was I out?"

"A good few hours, it looked like you needed it, kid."

"Wait? What time it is?"

"Around 7 PM"

"I have to go to work!" PEter tried to get out of bed, but Tony pushed him back. 

"You're not going anywhere, I called you in sick. And you need to rest. You've been sick for over a week. Your whole immune system is exhausted."

"I can't, I need to work."

"Peter you don't need to. You need to rest now."

"NO, I don't have time to rest, I don't have time to be sick. Aunt May is in the hospital, I need to pay the bills, otherwise, I would lose everything."

"You should have told me. From now on I'm paying your bills, you quit your job and I will be checking up more on you. This isn't good for you, physical and mental."

"But Tony..."

"No buts, now go and rest some more."

Peter did as told and went back to sleep. For ones, not having to worry about everything. 

I'm sorry that this is so short. Its just, i don't really have much inspiration and if i do its hard for me to write it down. My head floods every night with ideas, but non of them make in to the paper. So I'm sorry

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