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Peter Parker is smart boy, he is so smart that he is the first teenager who gets an internship at Stark Industries. But he is mute, so he tried to cancel his internship, but Tony insisted.

Peter met the Avengers after a few weeks of working with Tony in the lab. Since he didn't really get the chance to explain that he's mute, they all think he's deaf. It's kinda frustrating having peoe around you only signing because they think your deaf. But after a few weeks Peter gave up trying to explain and just accepted it. Till one evening.

"Tony always with that stupid child, he can't even do a thing right. He's just a annoying little orphan." Sam says angrily. Tony wasn't in the room.

'What did you say about me?' Peter signs angry.

"Can he hear me?" Sam asked stunned.

'Of course I can you dipshit.'

They are all confused.

'If you guys once listened to me you would have known.'

"We can't listen to a boy who does not speak." Steve said.

Peter looked at Steve with a face of betrail.

'I thought you would know.'

"Why didn't you tell us."

'I tried, but you wouldn't listen.

"Maybe start talking then we can listen."

This made Peter really angry. 

'I have my reasons to not speak!' Peter was angry AF and started to walk away.

"What could that be? Huh." Sam said. "Lost your mommy and daddy, is that why?" He continued in a baby voice. 

Peter clenched his fists, not able to sign. But he still tried.

'YOU WOULDNT FUCKING UNDERSTAND!' He signed as angry as he could. Sam was about to say something but Peter cut him off by turning around and almost running to the elevator. With tears streaming down his face.

"No no, not so fast mister." Steve said as he grabbed Peter his arm. Peter punched Steve on his nose, and you heard a crunch.

Tony came running into the room.

"What happened here? Where's Peter?"

"Well that intern of yours just broke my darn nose!" Steve said angry. He started to walk out of the room, and Bruce followed him.

Tony didn't understand a thing about what happened. Peter would never do something like that. The boy was to sweet and kind.

" FRIDAY show me what happened." Tony said when he was in his lab. He saw the whole thing. He was angry at the team, but also angry at himself. How did he not notice that Peter was mute.

All night long he did research on Peter Parker, and found out that Peter was kidnapped at gave of 4 with his parents. And was found back when he was 8,but without his parents. He had never spoken a word since.

Tony explained everything to the team, and the all felt kinda guilty. Hey tried to reach Peter, but Peter didn't read any of their messages, or accepted any of their calls.

After a few days, Peter went back to the tower to apologize to Steve. He shouldn't have punched him.

He entered the living room and saw all avengers looking at him with pity in their eyes, the look he hated most.

'Steve, I'm sorry for punching you. I shouldn't have done that.'

"Kid, nothing to be sorry about. We are the ones who have to apologize. We didn't know." Steve say with a sad smile.

'Didn't know what?' Peter was kinda confused right now. What did they found out?

"We didn't know you were kidnapped..." Tony said slowly, not really knowing how to say it. Peter mouth formed an O shape. He didn't really expect this.

'Yeah that happened.' Peter signed awkwardly.

"But kid, we can help you. If you want we can help you to go back to talking. We knew you could talk when you were young, so with a bit of practice you can still do it." Tony says with a smile, thinking it was that easy.

' I can't'

"Why kid, everything is possible."

Thinking about it made Peter even cry more. He tried to hid his tears but it failed completely.

'Because they removed my fucking vocal cords' Peter was angry about it. They removed it a few days after they killed his parent. They removed it because Peter was crying to loud. But what can you expect from a 6 year old boy, who just got his parents killed infront of his eyes.

Tony hugged Peter tight. Not wanting to let go. The kid has been thru so much. He didn't deserve this.

After this evening they never talked about it again.

3 months later is was Peter's birthday. And Tony got the best present. It was a letter, but not just a letter. It says:

Happy 16th birthday Peter. I hope you have a great day. I know this doesn't seem like a present you would get from Tony Stark. But it is. Since I know what happened to you, I tried my best to do something to fix it, and I finally figured out how I could help you. Me and Bruce have made something for you, you can say no if you want but I think you would like it.

We created artificial vocal cords for you, we can implant it by surgery. It will take a couple days, but when it is healed we can try and start learning you how to talk. Than you could go to a regular school like you always wanted. To feel like a normal kid. To speak to the people you safe. But like I said before, only if you want it.


Peter read the letter over and over again. Tears were formed in his eyes. He looked at Tony and nodded his head hard.

'Yes yes yes, I would love to' Peter signed before hugging Tony.

"The best ting is kid, if you want surgery is in 2 days."

Peter looked at Tony with scared eyes.

"you can do it Peter, it's 6 days after the surgery and it's fully heald. Come on bud."

Peter didn't know how to form words completely but he tried his best.

"T'ny" His voice was hoars but it was the beginning of something great!

Like always, the end sucks. Sorry guys for not posting that long. It isn't going that great with me. But you guys deserve a new chapter. If you have request, just send them to me. I would love to hear ideas from you guys.

And OMG 15 K!!!!
I never expected that this book would have so many read, like wtf.

Now have a good night/day.


~You can't be a friendly neighborhood Spiderman, when their is no neighborhood~

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