Dutch Spidey part 4

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So yeah, it has been a while. But, I was thinking about this and I finally started writing. If u want you can reread the previous parts. But yeah, here's part 4 :)
And I tried to find a video so you can hear the dutch accent. I hear a lot that the Dutch accent is pretty noticeable, I even hear it if I hear myself speaking English. So if you're curious you can watch the video :)

It had been a few months with mister Stark. May was working as a nurse in a closeby hospital. She is happy, so is Peter. He does miss his friend, but he is glad he made the decision. His English improved but he still struggles with a lot of pronunciation. But mister Stark is used to them now. 

"Mister Stark, I'm going on pa-patrol. Ugh, I still hate that word." Peter says. It was the beginning of the afternoon on a Tuesday. And Tuesdays are surprisingly the day with the most crimes. 

"Someday you will get it, kid. Have fun. And be careful!" 

"I WILL" Peter yelled while jumping out of the window next to Tony. 

"Jeez kid, you gave me a damn heart attack, DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE!"

"No promises Mister Stark." Tony could hear Peter through an earpiece both of them were wearing all the time. 

Peter was fighting some baddie, but this baddie was actually a pretty good fighter. Peter tried to punch him, but he moved away so he punched the CONCRETE wall.

"Ahh, kut! Daar staat een muur sukkel. (Ahh, shit! There's a wall dumbass.)" 

"Ey Spiderman, you're in America, so speak English, you stupid." Peter glared at the baddie. 

"So I'm stupid for knowing multiple languages, okay, didn't know that." (He pronounced languages how you write it, not how you pronounce it)

"You can't even pronounce languages, you really are stupid." Peter punched the baddie right across the face. 

"And you can't even dodge a punch from a stupid person." Peter laughed, he heard the police arrive so he swung away. 

"Peter what the hell of a conversation was that?!" Peter heard Tony ask in his ear. 

"He called me stupid," Peter exclaimed. "But, my comeback was pretty good wasn't it?"

"Yeah yeah, it was. Btw, make sure you're home before dinner. I'm going to disconnect because I have a meeting. If something is wrong FRIDAY will automatically connect me back."

"Okay, see you at dinner!"

Peter did more patrol, helped a lot of people, and stopped some crime and all. He was home around 7 PM, feeling exhausted. 

"Hi Pete, hoe gaat het? (Hey Pete, how are you?)" May asked when she saw Peter enter the living room, dressed in some comfy clothes. 

"Moe... (Tired...)" Peter said tiredly. Peter sat down next to May and laid his head on her shoulder. He closed his eyes and fell asleep pretty soon. 

"Dinner is ready," Tony said as he walked in. 

"Shhhhh," May said, pointing to Peter. She carefully laid him down so she could walk away and he could stay asleep. 

"He was pretty tired," May explained. 

"Aha, I get it. Will he eat dinner?"

"He will when he wakes up. He has this a lot, using his powers really tires him out."

"I get it, I noticed that a few times."

Tony and May ate dinner together. 

Smol time skip

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