Broken Home

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Im ranting about my life at the end, so be prepared.

Changed the song a bit, but you can play it (if you want) when I give you a cue. 

Peter woke up like every other day, by yelling. The yelling of his parents, the never-ending fighting. Every little thing they would fight about like there was no tomorrow. Peter slowly opened his door and silently walked to the kitchen. 

"Where were you last night?!" Pepper screamed at Tony.

"Why do you wanna know? Don't you trust me anymore?" Tony fired back.

"I don't anymore, after what happened 3 weeks ago!" Right, 3 weeks ago. The night dad came home drunk with some other woman. They didn't do anything bad or something, Peter could tell when Tony was lying, and he defiantly wasn't lying when he told Pepper he didn't hook up. But of course, she didn't believe him. 

"As I told you a thousand times, nothing happened!"

"It's 7 in the morning, I don't want to deal with this stuff right now. I'm heading to work. Bye!" And Pepper left, not even checking on Peter or something. She just went to work.

Peter slowly walked into the kitchen, where he saw Tony sitting at the island. Looking sad.

"Morning dad." Tony look at Peter and tried his best to smile at his son. 

"Morning son, slept well?"

"Yeah..." They sat in silence as Peter made his breakfast.  And when Peter was eating his breakfast. 

"I'm going to school, bye!"

"Bye son, have fun!"

Peter left for school. The silence he would hear when he left the house. Like he was free. The fighting between his parents never stopped. They couldn't even have a normal family dinner without a fight. 

Peter arrived at school just in time. He ran to his class, sat down and tried to concentrate as much as he could. But it didn't really work. He almost had no sleep last night, all he could think about were his parents. Every night he almost didn't sleep, carefully listening if his parents weren't having more fights.

Before he knew it the class was over. The few notes in his notebook weren't enough to understand what the subject was about. Peter packed all his stuff and went to walk out of the class when his teacher stopped him. 

"Peter, can I talk to you for a second?" Mr Harrington asked. Peter nodded.

"Oeh, Penis is in trouble!" Flash laughed as he walked out of the class. Peter just rolled his eyes. 

When every student left, Mr Harrington started to speak.

"How are you, Peter?"

"I'm fine."

"How are you really? Your grades had been slipping, you don't always have your homework. You sleep in classes. That don't seem like fine to me." This made Peter tear up. He has been suppressing his emotions, trying to not show them. It became harder every day. But now, he couldn't do anything about it, the tears just fell. 

"It's... I'm-" Peter couldn't form the words right. He wiped his tears away and walked to the exit. "I'm fine."

"I'm sorry Peter but I have to contact your parents about it." Peter didn't answer he just walked away. To his next class. 

For the rest of the day, Peter just ignored everyone. Once he was home he saw both his parents sitting on the couch in silence, as they were waiting for him to come home. 

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