Dutch Spidey part 3

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PART 3 !!!!

Sorry for the long wait...

Somehow Tony succeded to bringing Peter to Germany. Since they already were in the Netherlands they didn't have to fly to Berlin. And Peter was happy with that. When they arrived at the hotel Tony showed Peter his room. 

"Tada, this is your room. And I have a small present for you!" Tony said. Tony handed Peter a big case. Peter opened the case and saw a suit similar to his, he looked questioning to Tony. "I saw you only had a suit with wing thingies. So I made a similar suit with your Personal AI, who speaks Dutch and English, and I build in some protocols and you can call me with your suit." Peter didn't know what to say.

"Wow! Thank you, mister Stark!"

"You're welcome, kid. Now try and get some sleep, we will leave tomorrow at 7.30 A.M." Tony walked out of the room. 

Peter was really amazed by the suit. It was so awesome! Peter changed into his PJ's and went to bed after calling May. 

Next Morning

"Kid hurry..." Before Tony could finish his sentence the door opened with Peter already in his suit. "...up. I can see you are ready. Good, we're leaving!" They left the hotel through a secret back door, so no one would see them. Once in the car, Tony started to explain what Peter had to do.

"Captain America and his team can't leave if they do they are wanted criminals. They didn't sign something which makes what they do illegal. I want you to try and fight them, of the video's I saw you are pretty strong. So I think you will be able to handle yourself. I will call you if it's your turn to show up. Okay?" Peter nodded along. 

A few minutes later they arrived at the airport. Peter hides on his hiding spot, waiting for Mister Stark to call him. 

A few moments later

"Underoos!" Tony yelled. Spiderman flipped Over Steve, webbed his hands and stole his shield. When Peter landed he just gave an awkward wave. 

"You know what I said, now GO!" Tony Said through the coms. Peter nodded and went for the airport building, where The Falcon and The Winter Soldier are. 

Peter spotted them and crashed in the window to land on The Falcon. Peter punched him, not full power, and tried to punch Bucky. Key word tried. Sam threw Peter off him. Bucky smashed Peter back to the ground.

"Rude!" Peter muttered. Buckey and Sam looked at each other in shock. A kid?! Peter took advantage of this distraction. He punched Bucky (lol, my autocorrect corrected Bucky to bucket) in the face and webbed them both to the floor. Peter shot a web to swing away but a small drone caught it and swung Peter outside which made Peter scream in surprise. 

"Couldn't you do that earlier?" Bucky asks.

"I still hate you." Sam stated. 

Peter crashed on the floor. 

"Kid, you okay?" Tony asks. 

"Yeah, I think so." Peter was a little sore but okay. Peter saw Captain America run away. "I'm going after Cap!" Peter said in the comms while swinging to Cap. 

"Kid what are you doing here?" Cap asks annoyed.

"Stopping you!" Peter says. 

"You didn't have to come all the way here to try and fight me, you're still going to lose!" 

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