I want my aunt back, I want my mom back!

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TW: sadness
In this story, I used the old aunt May.

Peter Parker, age 20. And he has too many responsibilities for a twenty-year-old. A full-time job at a local shop, full-time college student, full-time caretaker for aunt May and of course his nighty activity as Spider-Man. How he survives, he doesn't know himself. 

At age 70, aunt May was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, Peter was 16 at the time. In the past 4 years, Peter noticed how much the disease attacked May's memory. That was the most noticeable symptom. But they still survive together. 

Peter would work every day from 8-4, take college classes from 7-11 at night, would go out as Spider-Man from 11-3 at night and the rest of the time he would take care of May, and sleep of course. But lately, it's getting harder for him to take care of May, his exhaustion is also not helping. May is forgetting more and more of the basic stuff, and more holes in her memory appear. One morning she shocked Peter about it. 

"Honey?" May asked. 

"Yes, May?" Peter answered as he made dinner. 

"Who is this with me in the picture?" She pointed to a picture of her and Ben in front of their first home. Peter swallowed thickly before answering, blinking away the tears. 

"That's your husband Ben."

"I have a husband?"

"Yes May, you had a husband. Married in August 1954."

"Oh, did we have children?"

"No you didn't, but you took care of me since I was 6."

"Oh, okay." There was a small pause before May continued. "Why are you crying dear?"

"Oh?" Peter didn't realise some tears had escaped. "It's nothing. Dinner is ready."

Since that day things got worse and worse. He couldn't leave her alone anymore. She would go out of the house and get lost in the neighbourhood. Peter was worried sick the first time that happened, but luckily the neighbour found her when he walked home from work and brought her home. 

So Peter did something he never wanted to do but had to. He brought May to and nursing home. She was very confused about why and took a long time to adapt. But after 5 weeks, she was happily living in the nursing home. Peter would visit at least 5 times a week but tried every day. 

But one day, he broke down after visiting. 

"Good morning May!" Peter said as he approached May in the living room. 

"Good morning." She answered in her kind voice. 

"How are you doing today?"

"I'm doing fine, the weather is beautiful. I would love to go outside!" She smiled brightly. 

"Let's search for your coat then. So we can take a walk outside."

"Sounds like a lovely idea." 

So Peter went to May's room and grabbed her coat. Put on his coat and help May with hers. And they went outside. The nursing home had a big green garden, with a small walking pathway. So Peter and May went walking. Arm in arm. And in silence. 

"Shall we get some ice cream?" Peter asks May, knowing she loves ice cream. 

"Oh, yes, that sounds wonderful!"

So off they went, with permission of course, to the ice cream shop 2 blocks away. Peter ordered him and May some ice cream and they sat outside at a table. 

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