43. Snake-Like

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Hermione, Rachel, Harry and Ron sat outside, together. Hermione was sat with her back against a tree, Rachel's head in her lap. The cool breeze from the Black Lake tickled their faces. Ron and Harry also sat in silence, they were looking across the lake's murky waters. The sky wasn't as dark anymore, the sun was shining more often than it had in the last few days.

After her conversation with McGonagall, Rachel had reached out to her brother and friends. She knew she needed to be with Harry just as much as he needed herself. When Remus had heard the news of Cedric's passing, he had owled saying he would take them out of school for some time. Harry and Rachel had turned the request down.

Rachel believed Harry. Voldemort was back. They needed to stay in school. They would last until the end of the school year.

"I can't believe it's almost the holidays." Ron broke the silence.

"It's gone fast this year." Hermione responded, she was plaiting the small hairs around Rachel's face.

She smiled as she looked at her friend. The colour was returning to Rachel's face, the dark circles were easing. She was getting better.

"I'd enjoy this while you can, Ron." Rachel suddenly spoke. "Something tells me this is the last time we can enjoy life guilt-free."

"Always the optimist." Harry laughed.

He had suffered just as much as Rachel. Harry had tried not to tell her but he was having awful nightmares. Every other night, Ron would be woken up by Harry's night terrors. But the twins decided, unanimously, that they had to continue for Cedric's sake, so he did not die in vain.

"Can say that again." Ron stood up and stretched his back.

Rachel's arm shot up in the air causing Ron to roll his eyes. He reached for her hand and pulled her up. Harry and Hermione followed suit. They walked over to the lake and looked at the water.

"Wonder how cold it is..." Ron wondered.

Rachel smirked. "Only one way to find out." She scooped at the water with her arm and splashed Ron in the face.

He let out a yelp and splashed her back.

"God, you're such children." Hermione sniggered.

"Is that so?" Ron looked at her.

She nodded and went to speak but was cut off by Ron splashing her with water, catching Harry in the process. Rachel guffawed as Harry and Hermione ran away. The four began chasing each other, splashing one another when they could, laughter filling the air.

In that moment, they had forgotten about the troubles this year had bought. They were focused on having fun and being silly, enjoying everything that youth bought. It did not matter that they'd forget about this moment in years to come. They needed it then and there.

By time they were done and heading inside, dinner was ready for them in the Hall. Rachel was still uneasy about being around the large crowds and simply passed up on eating.

"I can get something from the kitchens later tonight." She had explained to the three.

They had gone on without her, leaving her to walk back to the common room by herself. Not that she minded, she always craved alone time. The hallways were empty at this time, everyone was sat eating, so Rachel took her time with her walk back.

"Uh... Rachel?" Someone called to her.

She stopped in confusion and turned to see Cho Chang.

"Oh... Cho." Rachel said.

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