6. The New Students

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It had been two weeks since George and Rachel had hatched the plan to make Fred jealous, they had kept it extremely quiet because they didn't want anyone to know. They had done subtle things in front of Fred such as hold hands or hug more, but he didn't say anything.

Most evenings, Rachel would rush to do her homework and then tell her brother/friends she was off for a walk. When they asked where, she simply replied with:

"I'm letting off some steam."

They never enquired further into her regular disappearances in the evening.
Harry nor Fred, both twins of Rachel and George, knew about the two. However, Fred was becoming suspicious and constantly had a look of confusion on his face when he looked at Rachel. Harry was oblivious and that kept Rachel happy. She didn't like hiding secrets from Harry but sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do.

Somehow, someway, George and Rachel had snuck down to the Quidditch pitch. It had been a whole year since they had seen it and if they hadn't gone that night, they probably wouldn't see it for another year.

"George? Oh for Merlin's sake George, where the hell have you gone?" Rachel hissed as she squinted, trying to look for George through the darkness. She grabbed her wand and held it out in front of her. "Lumos." She whispered, the darkness quickly evaporated around her.

Yet she still couldn't find him.

"George?" She croaked slightly scared at his vanish.

Two arms grabbed her from around the back and spun her around whilst a laugh emitted into the air; breaking the quiet night. Rachel let out a squeal as she tried to escape the grip of George but caused him to fall over, bringing her with him.

"You arse!" She scoffed, hitting his shoulder as she rolled off him onto the grass.

"You scaredy cat." George teased, poking his tongue out. Rachel jumped up and brushed herself down as she looked around the Quidditch pitch.

"I am many things George Weasley but I am not a coward."

"Too right." George rose his eyebrows as he walked over to her and stood next to Rachel.

She stood there for a moment looking up at the stars and quite happily admired them. George stopped looking at them and turned to face her. He watched her face as her eyes lit up while she recognised the constellations.

"You're staring at me." She whispered to him, not drawing her eyes away from the sky.

"Way to point out the obvious." He whispered back as she stopped looking above her and back to him with a huge smile.

Rachel's smile however was not necessarily happy, there was more to it. Something George recognised too often. He paused and looked at her.

"What are you doing?" He asked as her mischievous face looked up at him.

"Tag!" She yelled before hitting his shoulder and running away as fast as she could.

George took off after her, laughing. The chilly wind whipped at their faces as they ran away from the pitch and towards the Forbidden Forrest. Rachel's hair blew out behind her as she cast a look over her shoulder. She saw George gaining speed right behind her. She squealed slightly and began to run even faster before disappearing behind the trees of the forest. But by then, she was too far in front of George to hear his warning shouts.

Panting heavily, she continued to run onwards. Slowly she came to a standstill and stopped. Inside the labyrinth of trees, Rachel realised she had lost George.

"Oh shit. Oh merlin." She cursed looking around her surroundings in hopes of seeing a George. Rachel had been running for awhile into the woods without realising it. She was too far in.

Mischief - Book Two of the RP SagaWhere stories live. Discover now