9. Confrontation

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The students of Durmstrang strutted about the castle with their usual gang of fans following shortly. The fans being far too excited girls of Hogwarts. It made Rachel roll her eyes and scoff, these boys would not fall for one of those giggly girls. They seemed to be more intellectual and serious, so a girl like the fans would never work. In Rachel's opinion anyway.

She didn't even think they were all that good looking, sure they were handsome but they seemed a bit too serious for her. However, Hermione was certainly interested in Viktor Krum, Rachel noticed.

"Here comes lover boy." Rachel smirked to her as they walked towards the boys.

Hermione roughly hit her arm and tried her hardest to avoid the avid, stern glances of the Durmstrang pupils.

"Is Durmstrang an all boys school?" Rachel asked as she looked over her shoulder at the boys who had just passed.

"Not exactly sure." Hermione mumbled.

"I've not seen a single girl from there, perhaps they are. I've heard it's quite a dark school, apparently they specialise in the dark arts." Rachel rambled.

"That's right." A familiar voice sounded. "Dark arts."

The girls turned to the voice to see Draco and his goons, Crabbe and Goyle.

"You know I was going to be sent there." Draco smugly said.

"What happened, you didn't get accepted?" Rachel smirked at him.

"No." He said simply. "My mother thought it was too far so she sent me to this hellhole."

Hermione began to walk away, leaving them behind. However she did not realise that Rachel had not moved at all.

"Oh come on." She laughed. "It's not that bad here. You'd never of met me if you had gone."

"That's kind of the point." Draco said stepping forward, trying to look menacing.

Hermione stopped walking, realising she was alone and turned around to look for Rachel. She spotted her back by Draco.

"Rachel?" Hermione called out.

Rachel mumbled something to Draco before jogging to catch up with Hermione. The girls idly walked around the school until they ended up in the library, much to Rachel's dismay. She found it annoying how she could never find any muggle books in there.

"I honestly can't see why they don't have any muggle books." Rachel sighed. "I mean, they try to encourage us to be interested in them yet they haven't given us the resources to investigate muggles."

"You're rather interested aren't you?" Hermione smirked.

"Well it's more of the stories, I really like them. It's fun to read how a muggle interprets magic." Rachel said sitting down next to Hermione at a desk.

Books whizzed around their heads and various students had homework out on the desk, scribbling furiously. It was a usual weekend at Hogwarts. Homework, chatting and needless walks anywhere.

"It is funny." Hermione agreed. "I never really noticed how different muggles think magic is to how it actually is until I reread some books!"

Rachel laughed and the girls began discussing their favourite books. But after a while Rachel jumped up and excused herself from Hermione, who wore a puzzled face. Quickly, Rachel walked over to her Ravenclaw friend Aspen who was stood reading in the corner.

"Aspen!" Rachel grinned gaining her attention.

"Oh hi Rachel." She smiled back. "Feels like I haven't seen you in ages."

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