33. Who?

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"I am so excited, Harry, you have no idea!" Rachel chortled, skipping down the platform to the train.

"So am I, Rach, just slow down would you?" Harry called after his sister, trailing behind with his luggage.

The Easter holidays had arrived, some students were heading home, Ron and Hermione were part of the many that were staying. However, Rachel was heading home, Harry coming with her. After a long time, the two twins could be together away from the hassle of school, no Tri-wizard tournament, no confusion with silly boys of other houses and no drama. At least for 2 weeks. Instead, they could hang out and be themselves. Enjoy the short while they had away.

Rachel was the most excited out of the two. She was excited to show Harry her home and where she lived. She was also desperate to see Remus; she always got a little homesick when she couldn't see him for some time. It was hard for her to fight the grin off her face as she had been packing her bags to leave. In fact, she had been so excited she had barely said goodbye to anyone, simply dragging Harry away by his wrist. 

"I asked Remus to get a spare bed for you so you can sleep in my room!" Rachel turned to her brother. "We don't have a huge house but it's so lovely, it's in the middle of no where so at night we can really see the stars!"

"It sounds really nice, much better than where I have to go at the end of the year." Harry huffed.

She felt bad then, her heart ached. It wasn't fair that Harry had to go back to those abusive people the twins were, regrettably, related to. It wasn't like Rachel didn't understand why, she knew it was hard enough for her to be with Remus, at any given moment she could be taken away. But it wasn't just that. There was no one else for the Potter's to live with. They have no other living relatives, and it was at times like these when Rachel realised how very alone her and her brother actually were.

"I promise you can come visit other the summer." Rachel stood by her brother, along with many other students waiting for the train to pull into Hogsmede station. "I'm sure Uncle Vernon wouldn't mind... or that pig of a cousin, Dudley."

"You forgot Aunt Petunia." Harry said.

"She's probably forgot about me." Rachel huffed, handing her bags over to the conductor to pile onto the train.

The train pulled up into the station, a sea of smoke filling the platform as students hurriedly hopped on, the mindset being the quicker you were in your seats, the quicker you'd be at home. The twins strolled down the train, finding an empty compartment and sitting down opposite each other, a sigh escaping Harry's lips.

"You alright?" Rachel asked, tilting her head. 

"Yeah, it's just... it feels a little weird." Harry said.

"How so?"

"It feels weird that me and you get to go 'home' and spend the holidays together... like proper family." Harry shrugged, using his fingers as air quotations.

"Yeah, I suppose so," she trailed off, "maybe I should have tried to get Sirius to come along, we'd be a proper family then." 

Harry laughed to which Rachel smiled. They both missed their god-father, he truly was a good man. So kind and funny, sassy and charismatic. It was a shame he was wrongly accused of a crime, he couldn't be seen in public now without someone trying to kill him in fear. It was a cruel world. One day they would be a proper family, Sirius, Remus, Harry and Rachel. One day they'd all happily live together and never have to fear about anything.

The twins looked at each other, smiles on their faces, the more and more time went on, the more and more they looked alike. With Harry being the exact image of James Potter and Rachel having James' features, it was easy to tell they were twins. Rachel was beginning to look more and more like her father every day, she had his eyes, his grin, his wild hair, even his humour was imprinted on Rachel.

Mischief - Book Two of the RP SagaWhere stories live. Discover now