19. Christmas Day

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It was now only four days to the Yule Ball, the preparations had already begun and now the school had been emptied of the younger students, the older ones held parties to celebrate upcoming Christmas - or it could have just been an excuse to get intoxicated, and heavily at that. Mainly the only people who had stayed had dates to the Yule Ball. Even Ron and Harry did now, they were now going with the Patil twins; Harry with Pavarti and Ron with Padma, the Ravenclaw.

But it wasn't all happy days for everyone at all, in fact Cho Chang was stomping down the corridor in a rage; her long, silky black hair falling down her back. She was very upset, particularly at Rachel but Cedric too. It was just a matter of who would she bump into first before she could yell at the given person.

Her friends had tried to calm her down, but had failed in persuading her to just go with someone else. There attempts were in vain for Cho just left and was closing in on Rachel who was talking with Hermione by the library.

"You!" Cho hissed as she approached Rachel.

Rachel, comically, looked over both shoulders before pointing to herself, which made Hermione giggle. "Me?"

"You're going with Cedric?" Cho gasped angrily.

Slowly raising an eyebrow, Rachel said nothing but nodded causing Cho's face to get redder by the second.

"But y-you can't!" She exclaimed. "I was going with him!"

"No you weren't." Rachel said with a small laugh. "He asked me. I said yes. Cedric wouldn't have asked me if he was planning on going with you."

Cho's lips were set in a dead line and her eyebrows knitted together in anger.

"Unless, of course, I mean this reason is highly plausible." Rachel carried on speaking. "Perhaps he didn't want to go with you but he wanted to go with me."

"You're such a bitch Rachel Potter." Cho seethed to which Rachel smirked.

"I'm honoured." She said. "But you should have spoken to me sooner, then I would have told you Harry didn't have a date. Well he has one now. So it looks like there's no one else to go with."

Having had enough, Cho stormed away in a flurry, her Ravenclaw robes billowing out from behind her. Eyeing each other, Rachel and Hermione burst out laughing before walking into the library where they quickly fell quieter.

"You're so harsh Rachel." Hermione sniggered.

"I can't help it if someone's being an irritating brat." Rachel said, sitting at a table. "She's like an crazily, obsessed ex! I feel sorry for Cedric."

All though Rachel often played down her feelings towards certain things, the Ball being one of them, she would never get over the fact she was attending with Cedric. It had only been recently that she had admitted to herself that she liked him, so the thought of attending the Ball with him made butterflies fly in her stomach and a smile appear on her face.

Now, more than ever, she was excited for the Ball. She had a beautiful dress, Hermione and herself would be getting ready together, she had an absolutely brilliant date and the Weird Sisters were going to be there. In Rachel's opinion, you couldn't get much better than that.

Not to mention the fact Christmas was so soon! Secretly, on the last Hogsmede trip and whilst sending letters to and from Remus, she managed to get presents for her friends. They were fairly simple but she still knew her friends would appreciate them.

Ron had a Chudley Cannons scarf, she knew Harry bought him a hat so it would make a nice little set.

Hermione had a fancy quill writing set, several sheets of the formalist parchment, wax seals and personalised pressers. It also came with a beautiful peacock feather quill.

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