14. Sweet Girl

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Once the dinner had been eaten by everyone, the odd dessert left unfinished from eating too much, the pupils were allowed to escape from the great hall. As usual, the Durmstrang pupils walked briskly to their ship on the Black Lake; Krum flashing Hermione a small smile as he did so. The girls from Beauxbatons walked, no, glided across the stone floors out to their carriage that stood not five minutes from Hagrid's but.

Rachel, along with her friends and other fellow Gryffindor's, left the food and began to head up to the comfort of the common room. Along the way, Hermione and Rachel engaged in a rather interesting discussion about Krum, however Rachel was more keen to talk about the lad than Hermione.

"He has to be into you!" Rachel gasped. "Honestly, I don't think it's the books making him go to the library."

Rachel had noticed how often Krum had been in there, before the first task it was obvious he may have been preparing for it. But as the task came and went, Viktor Krum would still go in with a mountain of books around him as well as his admirers. Not only did Rachel find this weird, but she then noticed how he would steal glances at Hermione. Only briefly but there was something in his eyes.

"Hmm." Hermione mumbled, her eyes quickly following him before darting back to her feet.

"You like him right?" Rachel giggled excitedly, she couldn't recall Hermione ever showing true interest into a boy in such a way.

"No!" She scoffed back, looking horrified. "No, he's... he's-"

"Perfect for you? Your crush? Devilishly handsome?" Rachel suggested with a cheeky smirk.

Hermione shoved Rachel playfully and apparently it was the end of the conversation for both of them. It were clear to Rachel that Hermione was not admitting the true reason behind her awkward silence and slight stutters when Viktor Krum was ever mentioned. Though Rachel had once believed Hermione had a small crush on Ron, but that idea was soon abolished when they argued heatedly one time.

Like many of the other Gryffindor's, Rachel rushed into the common room to sit in one of the sofa or chairs. They weren't in the best condition, they had worn patches all over the place and some of the stuffing had came out where students picked at it absentmindedly. Despite that, they were awfully comfy and nothing was nicer than sitting on one of them in front of the fire.

Yet before Rachel could even spot a chair to sit at, she had been roughly pulled aside by someone with a very strong grip. She let out a yelp as she was taken to the side of the room, watching Hermione smirk at her with a face that showed all too well knowing. When Rachel had came to a stop she looked up at the 'kidnapper' and was not as surprised as she probably should have been.

"Bloody hell Fred if you wanted me you should ask instead of yanking me off like that." Rachel scoffed.

Fred let out a laugh but soon it stopped and his face turned serious as he looked at Rachel. "I heard about today."

"Oh yeah." Rachel pulled a face, in all honesty she was trying to forget the reason she had ended up again in the forbidden forest; scared out of her wits.

As soon as she had been let out of Snape's classroom, she ran outside. In fact she ran for as long as she could and ended up amongst the trees. And that's where, like last time with George at the beginning of the year, she transformed into the fox. The orange fur, brighter than a flame inside the dark woodland.

It was not long before she turned back into her usual self, her uniform crumpled and in desperate need of ironing. For a while she sat there and cried before regaining her composure and walking back to the school to speak with Dumbledore.

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