32. Ignore the Problem

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The Great Hall was filled with students, lazily eating their breakfast, hurriedly doing homework and talking amongst themselves quietly. The Gryffindor table was no exception. Excited chatter of the third task spilled amongst the students, it was only a short time away and everyone was ecstatic. It was like electricity as they wondered how could the third task be better than dragons and the lake? 

Rachel sat there, looking down at the letter in her hands from Remus. Apparently her letter for forgiveness had not beaten the Hogwarts letter. She was in deep trouble for when she came home. It made her feel a little sad, she hated to disappoint Remus, he had done so much for her and yet, she still managed to let him down. With a sigh, she looked up at her fellow Gryffindor's.

"What does it say?" Ron asked, leaning over to read.

Rachel scoffed and pushed him away. "Let's just say if I don't return after the Easter holidays, it's because Remus has ended my life."

"That bad, huh?" Dean Thomas sniggered, opposite her.

"Yes. That bad." Rachel sighed, putting it away in her robe pocket. "Remus doesn't get mad at me... often... it's kind of weird. I feel bad for upsetting him but I don't feel bad about Parkinson's face."

The Gryffindor's turned around to look at the Slytherin table where Pansy Parkinson sat. Her face had erupted into bruises and was swollen, she looked miserable. It made Rachel feel slightly better, as if that was justice for what Pansy had said to her. She turned back round grabbing a piece of toast as Hermione looked at her.

"You're lucky not to have been expelled." She said sternly.

"I know." Rachel took a bite of her toast.

"You have to be more careful." Hermione warned. "You can't always rely on Dumbledore and McGonagall to bail you out of trouble."

"I don't rely on them." Rachel said with a frown. "I don't go looking for trouble-"

"Trouble finds us." Harry finished her sentence.

"Exactly." Rachel nodded.

Hermione shook her head and turned back to her Daily Prophet, reading the latest 'scandal' involving her and Viktor Krum. The table continued with it's chatter, Rachel's eyes wandered about the Hall. How many people had heard of this fight? She knew news spread quickly, like wildfire, but how quickly exactly? It had only been a day, and it wasn't like Pansy had been trying to hide the fact she had been so 'viciously attacked'. Rachel finished her toast and picked up her bag, slinging it onto her shoulder.

"I'm getting some fresh air before class, I'll see you there." She said to Harry before stepping off the bench.

"Are you alright?" He asked his sister, concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, I just... need fresh air." She smiled to reassure him as she headed out the doors of the Great Hall, leaving the chatter behind.

Her mind was swimming with thoughts. The third task was lurking in the back of her mind. The last two tasks had been dangerous, very dangerous. The third task would surely be no exception. The thought made her stomach lurch as she passed by empty corridors looking out onto the courtyard. She took a deep breath and sat down on the ledge, enjoying the air the March morning gave. 

But Rachel wasn't just concerned about Harry, she feared for Cedric, Viktor and Fleur too. Although she barely knew the two foreign students, she didn't dare think of what could happen to them during the third task. Fleur nearly drowned in the second task, it was horrible to think that something could happen to her and her younger sister would have to bare witness to it all. Krum was tough, sure, but that didn't mean anything in the Tri-Wizard tournament. If there could be 4 wizards taking part this time, one being Harry, than anything was possible. 

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