31. A Letter for Forgiveness

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To Remus,

I hope this gets to you before the school's letter does, but I'm betting it probably hasn't. I feel I ought to explain myself, I really do. You have to trust me though, Remus, it wasn't my fault. At least, I don't think it is. I don't quite know what happened. It was all so sudden and quick but, you deserve an apology for the trouble I have caused and I feel like I should explain my side of the story. It only seems fair. 

So, I suppose I had better start from the beginning...

As Rachel had walked away, Pansy's comments were far from quiet. In fact, nearly a hundred yard away and Rachel could still hear the words flying out of her mouth. Then there was an echo of footsteps and small egging of cheers quickly following. But before Rachel was able to react, there was a rough tug on her shoulder and she was hastily pulled round by none other than Parkinson.

The glare that was in Parkinson's eyes was lethal. Rachel was now most definitely in for it. However, Rachel wasn't one to back down from a fight, and a fight was most certainly about to happen and to be quite honest, Rachel was surprised Pansy was challenging her.

"You slut!" Pansy hissed at her.

"Excuse me?" Rachel scoffed looking at the dark haired girl.

"You, at the Yule Ball, all over my Draco!" Pansy screeched unapologetically.

"Your Draco?" Rachel said with a small smile. "I didn't realise Draco Malfoy was now possessed by you, Parkinson."

Pansy angrily looked back at the haggle behind her who nodded enthusiastically, begging her to continue. So, she did. First, she stood up straighter and began to jab with a finger Rachel with every word she spoke.

"You, Potter, are a dirty skank who steals other people's boyfriends when she has her own."

"First of all," Rachel shoved Pansy's hand away - the girl looked disgusted -, "Cedric was not my boyfriend, why does everyone think that? Second of all, Draco kissed me, sweetheart. Not the other way around. I think you should be yelling at him."

Draco fidgeted in his place, not going to deny Rachel's point. But Pansy took no notice and guffawed at her instead. Her hands then moved to her hips, resting cockily as she leant on one leg to glare at Rachel some more. 

"Just because you have no one in your life doesn't give you the right to try and take loved ones from someone else."

Rachel stood silent for her a moment, her fists clenched. Pansy was playing a dangerous game, she was poking at Rachel and she knew exactly what words would soon fly out of Parkinson's mouth within the next five minutes. Only now was Rachel feeling like she would snap, she was trying hard to reign it in, but it was becoming harder and harder by the second.

"Shut it, Parkinson, I'm warning you." 

"Or what?" Pansy sniggered, looking over her shoulder at her friends behind her. "What will you do?"

Instead of responding, Rachel turned once more and tried to walk away. In her head she counted to ten, her eyes closed and trying to steady her anger.

"Where do you think you're going, Potter?" Pansy chortled, skipping up behind her.

"Go. Away."

"No, no, we haven't finished talking yet, Potter, didn't mummy ever teach you some manners? It's rude to walk away when someone's talking to you." Pansy sneered. 

Rachel flinched but did not turn around. Her body tensed, her knuckles clenched and her jaw was set. Ever so slightly, Rachel turned her gaze over her shoulder, waiting for Pansy to say something else.

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