41. The Final Task

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Sounds of oompah filled the air, students crammed into stands, talking excitedly among themselves. The air was filled with excitement as more and more students turned up to watch the Final Task. There were many banners to support Cedric and Harry as Hogwarts students waved them around proudly.

Rachel was not in the stands, she was below them, talking to Cedric in quiet voices, they stood a little away from the teachers nearby, their hands intertwined.

"Good luck." She said, quietly. "Not that you need it."

"Thank you." He smiled gently.

Their eyes met and Rachel, for a second, felt all her anxieties leave. Behind them, Dumbledore began to organise the crowd and told the contenders to leave and go outside to prepare before going into the maze.

"You best go, Miss Potter." Dumbledore walked over to Rachel. "I hope your friends saved you a seat."

"Of course, sir." She nodded and turned to Cedric.

Rachel waited for Dumbledore to leave before she held Cedric's face in her hands. She kissed him, gently at first, but as he kissed her back it became more intense. Rachel was trying to hide the sick feeling in her stomach. She'd felt it all day. She enjoyed the softness and warmth Cedric offered. When Rachel pulled away, Cedric held his hand against her cheek. His eyes and smile were so genuine and full of love.

"I'll see you after." Rachel smiled. "Hopefully as champion."

"Not rooting for Harry?" Cedric teased.

She rolled her eyes. "Stop winding me up, now go on." She kissed him once more.

"Goodbye!" Cedric waved to her and headed outside, following his father.

Rachel watched him with a smile and turned to Harry. He looked pale. She sighed and walked over to him. "Do you feel just as sick as I do?" She asked him.

"By that you mean throw up any second?" Harry asked. "Then yes... something feels... weird."

"You can say that again." Rachel frowned but turned it into a smile. "Right, come here."

She pulled him into a tight hug. They stayed like that for a moment.

"Good luck, Harry."

"Thank you." He smiled at her and gave her one last squeeze before heading outside also.

Rachel snuck out the back and clambered up into the stands, trying to find Hermione and Ron who had saved her a seat. She found them and slipped onto the bench next to them, clapping and cheering as the contenders stood outside.

Behind the contenders was large hedgerows, multiple rows, forming the maze. It was hard to see down the paths, a thick mist hung there like a cloak.

"Silence!" Dumbledore bellowed, the crowd fell silent. "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr Diggory-"

He was interrupted by a loud cheer of Hogwarts students, even Rachel couldn't help but cheer for her boyfriend. Cedric sheepishly smiled at the crowd.

"And Mr Potter-"

The rest of the Hogwarts students stood up and cheered, clapping their hands, stomping their feet and shouting at the top of their lungs.

"- tied for first position, they will be first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr Krum-" more cheers erupted. "- and Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner! I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. At any point if the contestant wishes to be pulled from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wand."

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