23. Guilt Tripping

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"One month to go, Harry." Rachel said, watching the crowds of people move between lessons. "You still haven't figured that out that bloody egg, yet."

"Yes, I am aware of that Rachel." Harry groaned. "Every time I open it, it screams. I can't figure out what I'm meant to do!"

"I could always ask Cedric." Rachel pointed out, moving in front of Harry and walking backwards to their potions lesson.

"Is that cheating?" He asked with a frown.

Rachel shrugged and scoffed, not exactly caring if it was cheating. Harry couldn't be disqualified, it wasn't allowed. So who cared if they asked for a little help? It wasn't like it would help. Cedric probably hadn't figured it out himself, Rachel thought. He was intelligent, but this was bound to have thrown him off.

The 24th of January was the start of the countdown to the Second Task. Krum had been spotted training a lot more vigorously than usual and that itself brought its usual horde of fangirls, much to Hermione's dismay.

The twins walked into the potions classroom, side by side before dispersing onto their regular tables. Rachel took her seat besides Dean, Draco and Kayla ignoring them completely. Though, Rachel noticed, Draco watched her for a moment before turning to the board and pretending to be engaged in the lesson.

Like usual, Rachel slumped in her seat, taking odd notes down from the board and mumbling answers from underneath her breath but never raising her hand. It was just a regular lesson. But Rachel spotted how tense Kayla was, how she daren't even look her way or make some rude comment. It wasn't like herself. In fact, Kayla looked quite upset.

There was an air of tension hanging around the table, a lot more than usual. Since they had come back after Christmas, there was tension. Especially between Draco and Rachel but, now it seemed that Kayla had joined the crew. Dean was just a witness to it all and had to endure all the evil glares and snide comments. It didn't seem like a tension in which someone would say the wrong thing and Rachel would hex them, it was more like trying to stay quiet. It was most odd.

During the lesson, Rachel only looked up once from her book and as she did, straight into the grey steely eyes of Draco Malfoy. She held his gaze for a moment but turned back to her book and didn't raise her head for the remainder of the lesson. Despite the awkwardness of it all, Rachel didn't regret the kiss. If anything, she liked it.

After potions lesson, she rushed out the classroom while linking arms with Hermione and dragging her behind quickly. Harry and Ron gave each other weary looks and jogged behind them, knocking into Neville who dropped all his books.

"Rach, can you please slow down?" Hermione asked, struggling to keep up.

"Sorry, I just..." Rachel shook her head, letting go of Hermione and looking at the floor.

"Are you okay? You've been acting funny since the Yule Ball and that was nearly a month ago!" Hermione frowned.

Just then Draco passed with his posse; Rachel looked up and then with a groan quickly turned around and looked away. Draco's shoulders sagged slightly but he continued to walk on. In front of Rachel, Hermione furrowed her eyebrows, looking between Draco and Rachel before her eyes widening. By now, the boys had just caught up as Hermione yanked Rachel off around the corner.

"Oh my Merlin, these girls." Ron huffed and Harry scoffed in agreement, no longer rushing after them.

Once around the corner, away as much as they could from everyone else, Hermione looked at Rachel sternly. "What happened between you and Malfoy?"

"W-what do you mean?" Rachel said.

"Well something clearly happened!" Hermione rolled her eyes. "You two were so quiet in potions, barely looked at each other and when you did, like just now, you both quickly look away like you've been jinxed!"

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