35. Caramel and Honey

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Rachel rested her head on Cedric's shoulder, as he read his book quietly. The two were sat on a bench outside, enjoying the sunshine. She closed her eyes for a moment and nuzzled her face into his neck. He chuckled as she did this.

"Your breath tickles my neck when you do that." Cedric grinned, putting his book down.

"Sorry." Rachel smiled at him.

He chuckled and lifted her chin up to his face, planting a delicate kiss on her lips. Butterflies swarmed Rachel's stomach. Hermione was right, she should have spoken to Cedric. It amazed her that she hadn't done so sooner. Her mind had been so wrapped up with Fred Weasley, a boy who played with her emotions, that she failed to realise a sweet, humble boy was begging for her affection at her feet.

Rachel admired his face, his long eyelashes, his caramel hair and honey coloured eyes. She'd never seen a boy so pretty. She let out a pleasant sigh and rested her head back on his shoulder.

"What is it you're reading?" She said, her eyes closed.

"It's a herbology book," Cedric explained, "I'm studying. N.E.W.T.s are next year and I don't want to fall behind."

Rachel sat up and rose an eyebrow. "Already studying for your N.E.W.T.s?"

"Can never be too prepared." He shrugged.

"Well, I don't think you need to study." Rachel smiled. "You're a clever guy." She tapped his nose.

He brushed her hand aside gently, laughing as he did so. He closed his book a second time.

"It's good and all you believing in me, but I still need to study."

Rachel rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek. A group of Durmstrang students walked past them, speaking among themselves.

"Don't suppose you did ever find out the final task?" Rachel wondered, watching the boys.

"No... guessing Harry didn't either?"

"Nope." Rachel said, looking back at Cedric. "He's just as blind as you. Now, Mr Smarty Pants, I have to go, I promised I'd meet Hermione." She hopped up from the bench and tucked a hair behind her ear.

"Of course," Cedric stood up momentarily, "I'll see you soon." He kissed her once more, as gentle as ever.

She smiled and walked away, throwing him a small wave as she did so. Rachel found Hermione quite quickly, falling into place with her best friend. As usual, the two linked arms and carried on walking, talking to each other quietly.

Hermione noticed that Rachel didn't seem so tense anymore. Her frequent bad moods and stress had lifted dramatically. It was all down to Cedric it seemed. His calming presence and gentle voice helped solve the worst of moods, it was uplifting to be around him so regularly.

"It's nice to see you so happy." Hermione nodded.

"Thanks, Hermione." Rachel sighed happily. "Cedric is... wonderful! I just wish I hadn't been so... wrapped up with Fred. I'd have soon noticed there was a wonderful guy just waiting to be with me."

"Yes." Hermione noted. "Not one that flirts with you and then runs off with the next girl."

"He hardly ran off with Angelina." Rachel butted in. "He only asked her out to make me jealous."

"You don't have to defend him, Rachel." Hermione laughed. "It's all in the past now. You're with Cedric, you're happy and you're the talk of the school!"

Rachel cringed. "Unfortunately. Though I suppose them talking about Cedric and I is better than them hurling insults about Harry. You'd have thought they'd have moved on by now."

They passed a group of young Slytherins, who, one by one, stuck their middle fingers up at Rachel. Each wore a 'Potter sucks' badge on their chests proudly. Rachel rolled her eyes as they passed.

"Apparently not." Hermione muttered.

Rachel smirked and flicked her wand at the students, glancing at them over her shoulder and whispering under her breath. The students immediately fell to the ground, unable to stand back up. Their legs wobbly and uncontrollable. They cursed and shouted at Rachel as she continued to walk away.

"Locomotor Wibbly... Seriously?" Hermione laughed at Rachel.

"Serves them right." Rachel held her head high and laughed also.


"It's not long now till the third task..." Hermione gasped.

The rest of the group looked at her from their comfortable positions on the sofas, the roar of the fire echoed around the common room. They all groaned. For a moment they had forgotten about the Triwizard Tournament.

"I can't wait for it to be over." Rachel rubbed her face.

"For it to be over... I've got to do the final task." Harry shuddered.

"I miss when my biggest concern was whether or not I'd completed my potions essay." Rachel flopped back onto the sofa.

"At least they know what the task is now." Ron shrugged. "A maze... Wonder how easy it'll be."

Hermione pulled a face. "Well, Ronald, look at the previous tasks and judge for yourself. They're only getting more dangerous!"

"Gee, thanks, Hermione." Harry groaned and lay on his back on the floor, his eyes on the ceiling.

Rachel looked into the flames. The sooner it was over, the better. Then she could concentrate on school and Cedric, not having to worry about if they were going to be killed in a task. She shuddered at the thought.

"How we gonna celebrate when Harry wins?" George said, suddenly appearing.

"That's if the maze doesn't eat him up." Fred chimed in, doing an evil laugh afterwards.

"Ugh, boys," Rachel rolled her eyes, "you're not helping."

"No way we can help, really." George pointed out.

Rachel rolled her eyes again and slumped further into the sofa, allowing the cushions to swallow her up. Fred plopped down next to her, glancing at her shyly. He'd seen that Rachel and Cedric were an item now. It bugged him slightly, but he tried not to let it weigh him down. What was the point?

The six of them sat together, quietly talking and enjoying the firelight, as the sky outside grew darker and darker.


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