1. Summer Holidays

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It was officially the first week of the summer holidays over and Rachel Potter was more bored than ever. She never imagined she'd say this but she truly missed school and being occupied by something like homework. The drama of school was something Rachel loved. The fact every day was really different from the last. One day you'd be playing a Quidditch match completely care free, the next day you'd be swarmed in piles of homework. But she loved it.

Remus had gone back on his word and had let Rachel stay with him. In all honesty he couldn't cope without her. Even though he never was her father, he treated her like a daughter. He loved her and was so grateful that James and Lily entrusted him with the twins lives. Of course it was reinforced by Dumbledore when Remus was unsure. Even when the ministry questioned Remus being a guardian, Dumbledore backed Lupin up to the hilt. And he was glad.

Though being at Remus's was fun, they had actually moved house last week. Remus had accidentally been caught doing magic by a muggle neighbour. A confundus charm and house moving later, they were living in the country side. Something nice Rachel thought for Remus. There was a wood nearby so when it was full moon, he could simply disappear into there for a while. Rachel enjoyed the freedom of living in the countryside. It was so peaceful, unlike their old home which was in a town.

The only thing not driving Rachel mad was the fact her birthday was short days away. She had been busy listing things she wanted, but they all seemed to be pointless and for the sake of things. At first she wanted a Puddlemere United kit, but then she thought it was pointless seeing as she wouldn't wear it. A wand case perhaps? Her last one had gone missing seeing as she didn't use it. It really was quite hard to think of something. Not to mention Buddy wasn't looking so good.

Of course Buddy was really old, he wasn't exactly made for traveling long distance anymore. She also thought that Buddy was ill, he barely touched his food and looked awfully thin too. It was worrying Rachel and proved to be a bit of a distraction. But not in a particularly good way. 

Rachel was sat with Remus in the garden, looking out over the countryside. Rachel took in a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"So." Remus said, gaining Rachel's attention. "What do you want to do? We haven't exactly done much."

It was true, the two had basically sorted out all of their luggage from the previous school year and obviously from moving.

"I would quite like to see Hermione some time." Rachel thought as she sat in the porch swing.

"Well how about you invite her over some time soon?" Remus sat next to her.

"Thank you!" Rachel grinned.

"How's Buddy?" Remus queried.

"I don't think he's looking to good. I've looked in all sorts of books and asked Hermione for advice. I just think he's just a bit old now." She sighed sadly.

"We've had him for a long time now. He wasn't particularly young when I got him too." Remus said.

"Shame. He's such a gentle owl." 

Remus stood up to head inside, he squeezed Rachel's shoulder as he passed. Rachel continued to sit outside admiring the sunny weather. She twirled a strand of hair around her finger as she thought of her twin brother. After some time of thinking she too headed inside, seeking some sort of quiet time.


Hermione had arrived a few days later, the two thoroughly enjoyed each other's company. Rachel had shown Hermione around her home, excited to show off the rolling fields that surrounded their home. It was perfect for both Rachel and Remus. 

The girls were lay on Rachel's book, reading magazines and taking quizzes with each other. After some time, Rachel rolled off the bed and headed to her dressing table. She frowned.

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