18. New Enemies

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Rachel had successfully sprained her wrist in the process of falling off the wall. It had been a bit of a blur to her as to what happened. One minute she was in the air, the next... she was on the floor. What had actually happened within the split second of her ending up in a heap was pretty hectic. If only there had been a way for her to re-watch it in slow motion, maybe then she'd have seen where she went wrong.

For starters, unlike all the others, the gate had not been bolted shut. If it had been windy, it would have comically swung open. As she hopped onto it, her right foot had disturbed the gate and her weight caused it to fly open. But as it did, Rachel only had enough time to scream as she fell into the small bit of snow beneath her.

Awkwardly landing on her wrist did cause a fracture, but Madame Pompfrey had been so helpful and managed to convert it into just a sprain as it healed. Though Rachel wasn't all too happy. Even though the ball taking part on Christmas Day and being two weeks away, she panicked. Simply assuming her wrist would not be healed by then. Despite the fact Madame Pompfrey had just healed her wrist nearly completely within two minutes.

Instead, she was wearing a wrist supporter. It was hidden beneath her school uniform and only the bandage that crossed her fingers could be seen. It still annoyed Rachel. She had broken bones and such before, but nothing was more annoying than a sprain. Sometimes it would be okay, but if she moved her wrist then a sharp pain would surge through her arm. Personally she would have preferred to have broken her wrist.

"I'm glad my pain keeps you entertained Weasley." Rachel sarcastically glared at Fred who still sniggered at the memory of Hogsmede that only occurred the day before.

"Sorry, sorry." He trailed off with a smirk on his face, staring at his shoes to try and distract himself.

They had suddenly started talking again, Rachel and Fred, which considering how upset and angry Rachel had been, was very weird. They hadn't meant to be talking like old friends, let alone laughing with each other again but it just happened. It was hard for Rachel to stay angry at Fred.

The weekend was drawing to a close now as Rachel lay upside down on a sofa, her hair falling off the bottom and her feet swung over the back. Harry was sat sideways on the same sofa, his feet tucked through the gap of Rachel's legs and the sofa back, staring at his sister who was ignoring him. Accidentally or purposely was unknown.

"You know one day," Harry started saying and Rachel finally looked across at him. "I'm gonna be dead. Then you'll regret ignoring me."

Rachel laughed and spun around, accidentally knocking Harry's glasses with her feet. "Sorry." She sniggered. "But if one of us was going to die, it would be me."

"Yeah I'll agree with you there." Harry said, adjusting his glasses properly.

At that moment, Hermione came plopping down next to them, pushing the twins apart with a slight look of horror. "Harry! You can't agree to Rachel dying!"

"We're only saying it as a joke Mione." Harry scoffed.

"I wasn't." Rachel said not looking at them.

The awkward silence fell upon the three of them, whilst Ron happily played wizards chess with Seamus. It was true, in Rachel's opinion, that she would be the first to kick the bucket out of the two of them. After all, Harry was more... sensible despite his sudden hot headedness sometimes. Whereas if Rachel got an idea into her head, she would continue with it no matter what, most likely. Whether it be to run halfway into the Forbidden Forest and go exploring or something even more drastic.

She was a bit of a walking hazard, she couldn't exactly be 'tamed' and it was by thought that Rachel never wanted to. Why should she? It was a good trait amongst her cocky personality inherited by James Potter himself. He had been just the same had he not? But it was brave, admirable and yes, sometimes idiotic. It was amazing what he would do for his family. He fought Voldemort off wand less in the hopes that Lily and the twins may escape.

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