34. Welcome Back

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The Easter holidays had come and gone and the twins were already on their way back to Hogwarts to resume with the school term. Harry stared at Rachel. He still couldn't get it out of his mind that a drawing of... him was in Rachel's sketchbook. He desperately wanted to ask her why but in reality, he was scared of the answer. But it was her 'secret' and Harry was not about to exploit her for it.

There was probably a good reason for it, Harry had been telling himself, perhaps she had been simply practicing drawing people and Rachel just so happened to draw him. It was more annoying to Harry that it was a good sketch, she had clearly tried very hard and spent a lot of time on it. The thought alone was enough for Harry to shudder. He hated that kid.

"Harry?" Rachel called out, snapping him from his thoughts.

He looked up, realising she was stood by the door of the compartment, looking over her shoulder to him. He was still sat in his seat.

"... Are you coming?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

Bewildered, Harry looked out of the window and saw the familiar platform of Hogsmede station. He hurriedly hopped up, grabbing his belongings he had lay out on the seats. Rachel eyed him funnily, before heading off the train and onto the platform.  She let out a loud sigh of content, taking  in the sight around her, opening up her arms and doing a small spin.

"Feels good to be back." She shot a grin to Harry.

"Yeah... it does." Harry mumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets and walking over to her.

"I'm glad you got to spend a holiday with just me, Harry." Rachel said, walking alongside him. "Quality family time together."

"I enjoyed it." Harry smiled to Rachel. "Like you said, quality family time. It was good seeing Remus too."

"Mhmm, better than Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, eh?" Rachel shoved his arm, playfully. "Hopefully you'll be able to come over more often."

"Maybe..." Harry trailed off.

 Rachel shot him a funny look, he'd been in a weird mood the last couple days of the holiday. Rachel assumed it was to do with the Last Task being so close. She, herself, was worried about it. No one knew what to expect with it, not even Cedric had figured out what was going on.

They passed through the gates, trundling slowly up the path to the school. The few students in the area talked among themselves, other students who had stayed at the school had snuck down to meet them, hiding in the trees with their robe hoods pulled up to avoid being spotted. 

They headed up to the castle, ready to see Hermione and Ron. They hadn't wrote to them all holidays, so they were certainly in need of a catch-up. When they got closer, Rachel grinned and scuttled onwards to the common room, Harry close behind her. She entered through the portrait hole, earning a glance from the students who sat on the sofas.

"I'm back!" Rachel said in a sing-song voice.

A couple of the students sniggered at her as she entered the room. Rachel set her bag down on the floor and looked around the room. It definitely felt good to be back. She beamed as she walked through, looking for her friends. She frowned, unable to find them when suddenly she felt someone run into her.

"You're back!" Hermione squealed, squeezing Rachel tightly.

"Bloody hell, Mione!" Rachel groaned, then hugging her back. "I missed you too!"

"Oh, I'm so glad you're back! Hi, Harry." Hermione stood up, grabbing Rachel's bag and waving at her brother. "Come on, I have so much to talk about! You won't believe it!"

Ron headed over to the group as Hermione dragged Rachel off. Rachel shouted a hi at Ron as she was dragged away. Ron walked over to Harry and gave him a smile, his eyes watching the girls disappear. They sighed and headed off themselves.


"He will not stop talking about you!" Hermione gushed, making Rachel smiled and bite her lip. "No, I'm being serious. He'd keep coming up to me asking when you'd be back! You have to talk to him."

Rachel unpacked the last of her belongings, closing the drawers. "You really think so?" Rachel questioned.

"Yes!" Hermione pulled a face, as if Rachel was stupid. "It's Cedric Diggory! The Cedric Diggory. He's crazy for you."

Rachel sniggered as she hovered by Hermione. Hermione looked at Rachel eagerly who looked thoughtful. She suddenly stood up straight, brushing herself down and moved away from where she was stood and opened the dorm room door.

"Wait, where are you going?" Hermione gasped, standing up.

"To find Diggory." Rachel winked.

"You're a minx, Rachel Potter!" Hermione called after Rachel as she left the room.

She hurried out of the common room and down the corridors. The walls formed mazes, as she hopped onto the moving staircase. It moved slowly across to its finishing point. Rachel took a couple steps and waited at the bottom, leaning against the bannister and chewing her lip. Now where would she find Cedric? She decided to head down towards the Hufflepuff common room, it seemed the best place to go first. 

Her pace was fast and full of intent, as she rushed past a couple of Hufflepuffs. They gave her weird glances as she almost ran down the corridors. Rachel descended the final lot of stairs and walked down to the Hufflepuff common room. In front of her she saw Cedric, he was leaning against the wall, casually, with his friends. They were talking amongst themselves until one of his friends spotted Rachel, he whispered to Cedric who turned to look at her, puzzled. Rachel grinned with excitement.

"Rachel?" Cedric turned. "What are you-"

Rachel cut him off by pressing her lips on his, her hands holding the sides of his face. Cedric's eyes widened but he settled into the kiss as his friends cheered and laughed. Rachel pulled away and smiled.

"Hi." She said softly.

"Hi..." Cedric breathed softly.

Rachel giggled. "Sorry about that."

"No, no!" Cedric widened his eyes, once more. "I liked that." He giggled back at her.

"Are you two done kissing yet?" Cedric's friends teased, Rachel rolled her eyes.

"Nope." Cedric smirked and dragged Rachel off by the hand.


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