27. A Dead Man Lay

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Harry grinned, his teeth chattering as his sister stood right next to him, an arm around him as they huddled together while Dumbledore announced the results. Because of his valiant efforts, Harry was allowed to come second; it was clear that no one from Durmstrang was happy about it as they cursed in Bulgarian. But no one seemed to notice that, the two Hogwarts champions had won and currently had a higher chance of winning than the other two schools.

Eventually the stands began to empty and the four Gryffindor's walked together, nearly hand in hand, smiling at one another; proud of their friend, Harry Potter. The boats came into view as they all clambered into it, Rachel's eyes weary of the grey water lapping against the smooth wood, not wanting to be back in the freezing cesspit.

"I couldn't be more proud, Harry." Hermione smiled, looking at the green eyed boy.

"Here, here." Rachel giggled a little in agreement.

"Yeah definitely!" Added Ron who had perked up considerably after being kissed on the cheek by Fleur Delacour.

Harry, being his usual modest self, looked down and muttered a thank you with his cheeks tinged a slight pink. Smirking, Rachel sat opposite her brother and laughed a little at him but once again when she rose her eyes up she caught sight of Draco climbing into the next boat. Before he could look back at her and suffer another game of Russian Roulette, who would look away first, she ducked her head back down.

Catching site of this, Hermione cocked her head ever so slightly and then turned behind her to see what on earth was making Rachel behave in such a peculiar way, when she spotted the blonde Slytherin, she sighed. It would never work.

The boat then knocked into the shore and the four hopped out before meeting Hagrid who was ready to celebrate Harry's, sort of, victory. His black eyes glinting through a mass of large beard, Hagrid offered a hand out to each of the four Gryffindors and with one swift movement, yanked them all from the small boat.

"Well done 'Arry!" Hagrid beamed, hugging the boy.

"T-thanks, Hagrid." Harry nodded, teeth still chattering.

"You mus' be freezing." Hagrid noted, looking at the four students. "Come on, we'll walk this way."

Hagrid started leading the gang away from the lake, Rachel shivered and pulled her blanket around her tighter. She followed in the footsteps of her friends, feeling a little bad for not saying much to Cedric; even if there wasn't much to say. She was just thankful he was quick. But what made Rachel slightly uncomfortable was the fact that meant she meant a lot to Cedric, after all it wasn't Harry who could rescue her. How that must have tortured him trying to choose between herself, Ron and Hermione, she thought.

They walked through the wood, Hagrid leading with Ron and Hermione together while Harry dropped back and hung with Rachel for some time. Silence hung between them before Harry turned to his sister.

"It's a bit cold, huh?"

Rachel sniggered at his slight awkwardness. "Just a bit. Honestly I can't wait to get back to the castle and get into some war- Harry? Are you okay?"

Harry had clutched his head and leant onto a tree for support, Rachel could feel the pounding too - she always felt his pain, not metaphorically. He was almost wheezing and the ground began to spin around in his eyes. Grabbing his shoulder, Rachel looked in his eyes and placed a hand on his head; he wasn't burning up.

She turned her head, hoping to catch Hagrid or the others and call for help but they were too far away singing the Hogwarts School song loudly as they continued to celebrate. Huffing, Rachel glanced back at Harry.

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