12. Heat in the Cold

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Rachel was slumped in an arm chair in the common room, resting in front of the fire. Her head and legs hung over each side of the chair, her foot gently bobbing up and down carelessly. Running a hand through her hair, Rachel hummed a tune under her breath.

Next to her on the floor, Hermione persisted in vain she do her homework.

"Please Rachel. It's astronomy! You love astronomy." Hermione pleaded.

"I love astronomy not the homework." Rachel commented, spinning herself around and sitting up properly.

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows at her best friend and sighed. She shook her head and turned to her work quietly. After a moment Rachel slid down onto the floor next to Hermione, biting her lip slightly.

"Hermione?" She said quietly.


"Who are you going with to the Yule ball?" Rachel asked.

Hermione pulled a face to Rachel's random question. But no matter, Hermione put away her homework, realising she wasn't going to get it done. Instead she turned to Rachel and shrugged.

"I have no idea if I'm honest."

Rachel nodded, though she seemed to be almost tense about something. Noticing this, Hermione cocked her head.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm nervous." Rachel said blatantly.

"Nervous?" Hermione repeated. "Nervous about what?"

"The Yule ball." She said sheepishly.

Hermione pulled a confused face, Rachel worried about the ball she had been so excited about? It was strange and out of character, not to mention her nervousness about the question. Looking at her intently, Hermione quickly studied Rachel's face.

"You're worried no one will ask you, aren't you?" Hermione concluded.

"Well... no." Rachel said. "It's more of if someone asks me."

"How so?" Hermione asked, still not understanding why Rachel was so worked up.

"I have no idea what to do at a ball! I have no idea what to wear and I'm terrified I'll make a complete fool of myself." Rachel frowned.

Hermione laughed slightly at Rachel and shook her head.

"You will be perfectly fine." Hermione said with an encouraging smile. "You'll look great and all you have to do is dance."

Rachel nodded and smiled thankfully back at her. She leant back against the chair and glanced towards the stairs to boys dormitories as a loud laughter was heard.

Jumping down the stairs, Fred and George were talking excitedly about something or another. They were clearly ecstatic about it as they had a certain gleam in their eyes. When they had reached the bottom of the stairs, they both made their way over to a small desk and pulled out some parchment.

Before getting stuck into whatever was on the paper like his brother, Fred looked over at Rachel and shot her a cheeky, yet playful wink. Smiling stupidly, Rachel quickly turned her head to the floor with a subtle redness arriving at her cheeks.

"It's clear who you want to go with Rachel - and don't begin to deny it." Hermione smirked, stopping Rachel from saying any different.

Instead Rachel, still embarrassingly smiling, hit Hermione's arm and jumped up. Hermione too hopped up and gathered her things up. Deciding to finally do her homework, Rachel ran to her dorm and grabbed whatever work needed doing.

Mischief - Book Two of the RP SagaWhere stories live. Discover now