5. First Day

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"Morning starshine." Hermione smirked as Rachel awoke from her disturbed sleep.

The morning was remarkably bright and seemed quite calm unlike the night before. In fact the castle seemed warmer already. It was slightly odd to all the girls in the dorm who awoke in different beds to last year. The room was bigger but it looked slightly different. Not to mention the room layout was not the same.

"Oh my sweet Merlin." Was the first thing that popped out of Rachel's mouth as she sat up.

"No, only me." Hermione said, not even looking at her as she made her bed.

"I need to tell you something." She threw herself out of bed and onto Hermione's freshly made one. This earned an angry glare from Hermione.


"George Weasley kissed me last night."

"It was the first night and already this drama happens!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Hey, you don't have to worry about anything. You weren't the one kissed by your best friend." Rachel poked Hermione roughly in the chest before removing herself from the bed to grab her robes.

"So he just kissed you?" Hermione said in disbelief as she walked around the bed to Rachel who had gotten dressed.

"Uh basically yeah." Rachel answered as she struggled to do her tie.

The girls walked down to breakfast together talking about last nights drama. It was so easy for Rachel to just open up to Hermione as she explained that she wasn't sure if she felt anything for George at all.

"Maybe it's because you've never considered anything between you?" Hermione hypothesised.

"Could be." Rachel sighed as she sat down at the Gryffindor table.

She reached for a piece of toast and began to nibble at it, whereas Hermione had a huge plateful and was scoffing it down. Rachel rose an eyebrow but did not say anything. It was to do with some house-elf protection that Hermione had been banging on about. She noticed Harry and Ron sat a little further down but for once she didn't want to sit near them. Instead she wanted to continue the conversation of the kiss with Hermione.

"I mean for sure I'll talk to him." Rachel said as she grabbed a cup of pumpkin juice.

"That'd be best." Hermione nodded wisely.

In the end Harry and Ron slid down the benches to the two girls as McGonagall wandered around handing timetables out. Rachel took hers after thanking the Professor but nearly threw a fit.

"Potions! First thing? Double lesson!" She yelled angrily before letting out a loud grumble that too many people heard. One being Snape who sat at the teachers table, glaring at her.

"Potter?" McGonagall chuckled as she walked back to Rachel. "I suggest you complain quieter."

"Will do next time, professor." Rachel mumbled as continue to read the timetable.

The bell tolled loudly causing everyone to jump up and make their ways to lesson. The first years excitedly made their ways to lesson, the second years were cocky seeing as they were no longer the youngest. The third years walked and acted as though they ran the place, the girls were mastering make up and hair to try and look older or some ridiculous thing as such. The boys had arms slung around girls, it made Rachel turn up her nose. Fourth years and above did not really care for how they looked and most seventh year girls just trudged around, no make up and messy bun hair.

Nothing had changed over the summer for the potions classroom, it was still as dank and murky as before. The eeriness of Snape's classroom was enough to terrify anyone. Stood outside the classroom was a mix of the four houses. It seemed more equal and distributed unlike last year where it had been just two houses.

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