11. Dancing Lessons

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It had been a couple of days since the first task. The school was no longer interested in the events of what happened that day, so Harry was no longer the Gryffindors interest. Instead they began to discuss the second task. But Dumbledore confirmed it would not be taking place till after Christmas which was still a fair while away.

Enjoying their breakfast, the golden four sat on the Gryffindor table in the vast great hall. Rachel just simply had a couple pieces of bacon with a slice of toast and a fried egg. She was quite happily munching through it, whilst making polite talk to Fred (who sat on her left, he was quite keen on hanging around with her which she didn't complain about) and Hermione who was on her right.

Students came and went as Rachel finished her breakfast, she never ate a lot nowadays. Simply because she actually was never hungry. It shocked her completely as she usually had quite the appetite.

"Honestly just eat another piece of toast." Fred said, forcing a piece on her plate.

"Fred!" Rachel frowned. "I'm not hungry flipping hell."

"You'd better not go loosing weight on me." Fred warned.

"I won't." Rachel held out her pinky. "I promise."

He shook her pinky and quickly turned to George who had said his name. At that precise moment, Rachel turned to see Pavarti and Padma shoot Harry a smile.

"Hi Harry." They both said together, he barely acknowledged them which caused Rachel to scoff.

Instead Harry had become distracted by someone behind him, stretching her neck, Rachel leant over and saw it was Cho Chang. Her friends whispered something which made her turn around and smile at Harry. He, attempting to smile back, spat out a load of his drink. Rachel looked horrified at him.

"That is disgusting Harry." Rachel rose her eyebrow. "Why Chang anyway, what is so appealing about her?"

"Well... she's pretty." Harry mumbled, blushing.

"She's vile." Rachel frowned.

"And why is that." Harry challenged.

"She's so far up her backside, she talks shit." Rachel openly said causing Ron to choke on his toast from laughing.

"I still think she's pretty." Harry grumbled and went back to his food, letting Rachel win their small argument. Besides her, Hermione gasped angrily and thrusted the newspaper down in frustration.

"Look at this!" She screeched. "I can't believe it. She's done it again!"

"Who's done what?" Rachel asked and looked at the newspaper, she saw it was by Rita Skeeter and immediately rolled her eyes.

"Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey, sources report, is none other than the Bulgarian bonbon, Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Harry Potter's taking this latest emotional blow." Hermione read angrily.

"Well I'd hardly describe Krum as a bonbon." Rachel said, returning to her pumpkin juice.

Harry frowned funnily as he continued to chew through his food. A small little kid, no older than a second year surely, walked up to Ron whilst holding a large package wrapped in brown wrapping.

"Parcel for you Mr Weasley!" He smiled brightly.

"Ah, thank you Nigel." Ron said taking the present from him.

Nigel continued to stand and stare at Rachel and Harry. He seemed entranced, not too mention mesmerised. Awkwardly, Harry avoided his gaze whilst Rachel tried her hardest not to laugh at his eagerness. Hermione cleared her throat slightly and nodded towards the small kid, Ron turned to look at him.

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