24. The Past is in the Past

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The sky was cloudy with its January darkness and the lake appeared darker than ever. It's cold water, gently rippling from the creatures that lurked beneath. Fred and Rachel walked closely by each other, Fred would say something random and Rachel's response would be a hum in agreement. She didn't say anything else otherwise.

Still unable to figure out why Rachel was so upset, Fred set about on trying to cheer her up. But she was far too agitated for happiness. No matter, Fred continued with his jokes to make her laugh.

"And so we filled this cauldron with melted down dung bombs and poured it all into the Slytherin changing rooms!" Fred laughed, recalling a prank he and George had done. "I need to go back to Zonko's and get some more... supplies."

"Mhmm." Rachel hummed.

"Are you going to say something?" Fred raised an eyebrow. "You're not doing yourself any favours by staying quiet and not just making the odd grunt, you know?"

Rachel glared at him a little. "You didn't just go through what I did. You don't understand."

"I would if you told me!" Fred stopped walking and looked at Rachel with a pitiful expression; she stopped beside him and let out a groan.

"You'd only react the same way if I told you." Rachel crossed her arms, pulling her robes around her tighter.

Fred rolled his eyes at her, he took off his scarf and put it around her and laughed at her stubbornness.

"Fine, you don't have to tell me. Just don't tell me I don't understand if you're not willing to tell me." Fred commented, looking down at the fourth year. "It doesn't help at all. But just remember I am here for you, Rachie. I always have and I always will be."

"I know, Freddie." She said quite quietly. "Thank you."

Smiling a little more, Fred put an arm around her shoulder as they walked over the bridge to the Quidditch pitch. The odd couple or group stood on the bridge talking and chatting while in the distance Hagrid could be seen digging about in his garden.

As the two crossed over the bridge they walked into Cedric who seemed pretty shocked seeing the two.

"Oh." He said, his lips forming into a perfect circle.

Fred and Rachel looked at each other and then back to Cedric; both looking slightly puzzled by Cedric's stunned face.

"Are you two-" Cedric pointed at Fred then Rachel. "Um, I didn't realise, I'm sorry. Uh, I'll be going."

Cedric then rushed past, a blush forming across his face. Rachel stared after him as well as Fred. "What the heck was that about?" Fred commented.

"I haven't got a clue but I think he thought we were dating or something... I think I'm missing something." Rachel screwed up her face in confusion. "Did Cedric and I come across as a couple?"

Fred laughed. "Um, yeah you did. You really did. You guys were always together and got along so well, man."

"But we were just friends!" Rachel exclaimed, looking pretty alarmed. "Oh Merlin, I didn't think... shit, did he think we were... seeing each other?"

Fred shrugged but with a smirk, Rachel winced. "Shit."

"Yeah, shit. He was supposedly going to ask you out." Fred began to laugh. "But I knew when I saw you at the Yule Ball on your own you didn't think of him that way."

Slowly, Rachel began to laugh. Quietly at first but then she broke into laughter, holding onto Fred's arm for support. "Oh my Merlin, bless his soul."

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