2. Quidditch World Cup

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It was the next day after the 'Dudley tongue incident'. Mr Weasley had arrived back at the house not long after Rachel and Harry. It took mere moments before he began telling the twins off. Apparently his tongue had swollen so much it was dragging Dudley down. It's fair to say Fred and George began crying with laughter.

Today, Hermione arrived at the Burrow with a smile. She greeted the Weasley's before following Rachel up the stairs.

"We're sharing with Ginny, thank Merlin. Don't think I could cope with Ron and Harry!" Rachel laughed as she walked into Ginny's bedroom. Rachel had become closer with Ginny since last Christmas when they had shared a room. She still wondered if Ginny still fancied her brother or not.

"Hey Rach." Ginny looked up from her 'Quidditch Through the Ages' book. "Oh hey Hermione." She smiled as she noticed Hermione following Rachel.

The girls exchanged their greetings whilst Hermione placed her trunk next to Rachel's. They were all going straight to school after the World Cup seeing as it was so close to September 1st.

"How are you?" Hermione asked, grabbing Rachel's shoulder. Given the look Hermione was giving her, Rachel presumed it was to do with what happened at the end of last year.

"I'm fine. I think." Rachel nodded her head with a smile.

"Did you tell Harry?" Hermione pondered sitting on the bed. Rachel shook her head.

"Not yet, not sure how to breach the subject."

Later that day Bill and Charlie Weasley arrived. They were the oldest brothers from the family. Rachel hasn't actually met Bill. Though she was sure she'd like him. His hair was pulled back into a low ponytail and he had a very funny earring in too.

"Alright Rach!" Charlie greeted Rachel with a high five. The two had met last Christmas after a very odd run in.

"Hey Charlie!" She laughed back, also giving him a high five.

"So you're the infamous Rachel Potter." Bill walked up to her and held out his hand. "I'm Bill."

"Heya." She grinned nodding, shaking Bill's rough hand.

It was as if it were tradition that whenever they got together, a Quidditch game had to be played. So of course they did. It was an excruciatingly long game though. After a tiring game, Mrs Weasley ordered everyone to the dinner table to eat.

"So Perce." Fred looked at his older brother who looked at him suspiciously. "You finished with your boring old work?"

Rachel looked slightly confused so George leant over the table to explain.

"He's writing some old rubbish about cauldron bottoms. Merlin knows why."

Rachel giggled slightly.

"If you must know, no I haven't." Percy out his knife and fork down. "And it's not boring at all."

"Whatever you say." George winked.

"So why are you doing this now? You said it didn't need to be done so soon." Fred kept pushing at Percy.

From the other side of the table, Hermione rolled her eyes and began conversing in a conversation with Rachel. But Rachel's attention kept fading as she listened into Fred, George and Percy talking.

"You might get another dragon dung present in your in-tray." George grinned.

"It was a sample of fertiliser from Norway!" Percy angrily scoffed before storming into the house.

"No it weren't." Fred smiled looking at Harry and Rachel once Percy had vanished. "We sent it."

Rachel burst out into laughter as she pictured the twins doing such a thing.

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