13. Potions Don't Bubble, Anger Does

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The person Rachel had walked into was actually Cedric Diggory. How she had bumped into him was another question for another time. She was extremely clumsy so this did not surprise her as much as it should have.

"Gosh, sorry!" Rachel apologised. "That was my fault."

"Oh no matter, I wasn't particularly looking either." Cedric smiled at her.

Fred and George had left Rachel behind, not even noticing that she was stood on her own with Cedric.

"So, why are you out so late then?" Cedric began making conversation.

"I'm not even sure really. I went to hand homework in to Snape and then I ended up getting distracted so here I am!" She laughed.

"As much as I appreciate that Snape is a good teacher, I really don't like him." Cedric pulled a face.

Rachel let out another laugh, Cedric was too good for this world if he could feel bad for saying Snape was horrible. She loved his personality for the simple fact he was so kind to everyone.

"So how you doing, with this whole Triwizard Tournament thing then?" Rachel asked him.

"I don't really know what to do with that egg." Cedric admitted, with saying that Rachel got the uneasy feeling of being watched again.

"Funny you say that, Harry has no idea either." Rachel said, casting a look around the halls quickly before returning her gaze to Cedric. "Mind you he's not really happy about the game."

"Hmm." Cedric nodded. "I feel for him, I never believed he put his name in the goblet."

"Seems like you're the only one who does." Rachel sighed.

"You're not getting lots of people saying horrible things to you? I know at first they were pretty harsh." He asked her in a caring manner.

"They still believe it." Rachel scoffed.

Cedric shook his head in disgust at the thought of everyone.

"Can't they see it has nothing to do with you? They're so quick to judge."

"It's alright I suppose, I'm getting used to it now." Rachel crossed her arms.

Cedric looked at her seriously, his dark brown eyes seem set on hers and for the first time Rachel felt herself, almost melting at his stare. He smiled softly and she smiled back. Realising what was happening, she snapped out of it quickly.

"Well I best be off." She hastily said.

"Of course!" Cedric said as he began to step away.

"Yeah, I'll see you later." Rachel smiled.

"Good night Rachel." Cedric politely said before walking to presumably his common room.

Rachel took off in the opposite direction up the stairs, she wasn't actually sure where the Hufflepuff common room was but she believed it was near the kitchens. In fact she only knew where the Gryffindor common room and the Slytherin common room was. Although she had an idea that the Ravenclaw one was in Ravenclaw tower. It would make sense.

As Rachel passed the Fat Lady and into the common room, she was greeted by the usual warm lights and familiar smell. The smell? Merlin only knows, Rachel was sure she'd never find out what it was but she'd never forget it. It was almost a warm smell if that were possible but mixed with the faint tinge of butterbeer. It was a rather pleasant scent.

It put a smile on her face as she traipsed over to her friends sat around the fire like usual. They were in an intense conversation about which girls they wanted to go to the ball with, Hermione looked like she wanted to be saved and was beyond happy when Rachel plonked down next to her.

Mischief - Book Two of the RP SagaWhere stories live. Discover now