39. Ruining the Moment

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The two young romantics lay in the grass together, hands entwined, ignoring the glances as people walked past. Rachel closed her eyes as Cedric spoke, she enjoyed the warmth of the sun on her face. She could have lay there forever for in that moment she felt peace unlike she'd ever felt before, a kind of calmness.

The light turned dark, making a frown appear on Rachel's face. She opened her eyes and saw Cedric's face looking down on her. He had rolled over and was propped up on one arm. His smile was kind. Rachel couldn't help but reach up and stroke his cheek.

He was truly beautiful.

"You're staring." Cedric broke the silence.

"So are you." Rachel dropped her arm.

Beside her, Cedric sat up, Rachel copied. They looked out across the landscape in front of them. His eyes found their way to her face. Rachel's eyes glowed with the sun and a small breeze blew the loose hairs off her face. She could feel his eyes on her, so she turned to him with a small smile.

He shuffled closer and stroked a piece of hair, so gently, behind her ear. His hand rested on the base of her neck, as he looked at her closely. Without saying a word, Cedric leant forward with his eyes closed and kissed her. Rachel relaxed in his hold, her hands moving to his shoulders, feeling the fabric of his jumper on her fingertips.

After a moment or two, Cedric pulled away, his fingers entwined with her hair. Rachel looked at him breathlessly, when suddenly something from behind Cedric caught her eye. She moved to look around Cedric's head in confusion.

"Are you alright?" Cedric noticed her frown.

"Yes." Rachel looked at him. "Just could have sworn I saw-"

With that a flurry of sparks popped above their head, swirling and spiralling in the sky. The two young lovers fell apart with gasps, jumping up from the grass. Rachel snapped her head round to where she'd been looking before.

"Fred! George!" She yelled at the twins.

They lolloped over, clutching their stomachs with laughter. They were completely bemused with themselves.

"That was you?" Cedric brushed himself off.

"Oh, you should have seen your faces." George pointed, wiping a tear from his eye. "Freddie's idea, the sparks." George gestured to them, they were beginning to fade from the sky.

"Some of my best work, if I do say so myself." Fred took a bow, a smirk on his face.

"Seriously?" Rachel's tone was firm and annoyed.

George looked between him and Fred, with a curious look. "Come on, Rach, it was only a joke."

"A joke?" Cedric took a step forward. "Why can't you just grow up? Stop with the pranks for once."

"Look, mate, we weren't talking to you." Fred began to get defensive. Rachel noted the twins had stiffened up and suddenly looked a lot taller than they usually did. 

"Don't speak to me like that." Cedric looked at Fred disgusted.

"Oh yeah?" Fred stepped towards the Hufflepuff, his chest puffed up. "Or what?"

"Fred!" Rachel shouted.

She pushed the two apart and stood in the middle of them. 

"Cedric, just go back to Hogsmede, I'll catch up."

Cedric hesitated but nodded. He looked at the Weasley twins and then pulled Rachel in for another kiss. This time, his hands were firmly on her waist, almost squeezing her too hard. The twins tutted and rolled their eyes, unimpressed with this display Cedric put on. Cedric pulled away and looked Rachel deeply in the eyes.

"Go." She said under her breath.

He shot one last glare at the twins before walking away. Rachel waited for him to be out of earshot before she crossed her arms, looking at the twins with her lips pursed.

"Rach, you're not really annoyed at us are you?" George rose an eyebrow.

"Cedric just needs to stop being such a dick." Fred muttered.

"Excuse me?" Rachel threw a look at Fred. "You two came here and started this."

"Well, like George said, it was only a joke." Fred shuffled his weight onto one leg.

"You two just don't get it!" Rachel threw her arms up. "We're on a date, just trying to have some peace and quiet away from the drama of it all."

"Rach, don't be so dramatic." George tried to laugh, but Rachel was having none of it.

"Don't tell me how to act." Her tone was cold. "You guys really don't understand, do you? I thought you were my friends. Now, please, stop trying to ruin things and leave me alone!"

She spun on her heels and headed back to Hogsmede, her arms crossed across her chest. Fred and George looked at each other and turned around, walking in the opposite direction, occasionally looking back over at Rachel. 

Cedric stood with his hands in his pockets next to Hermione and Viktor,  who he'd accidentally bumped into. He looked annoyed, as he rocked on his feet. Viktor was picking out some sweets from a bag, oblivious to what was going on around them.

"Ah, Rachel!" Hermione widened her eyes. "Shall we go back to the castle?"

"Yes." Rachel sighed.

The four walked back in silence. Hermione walked close to Rachel, throwing glances her way.

"What happened?" She whispered. "Cedric seems furious."

"Fred and George." Rachel plainly said.

"The twins?" Hermione pulled a face. "What did they do?"

"Ruined a perfectly pleasant moment." Rachel huffed. "They always interrupt important things or annoy me and then when I get mad, they don't understand."

"That's the Weasley's for you." Hermione sadly smiled. "Those two are nortorious for winding people up."

"Honestly, Hermione," Rachel sighed, "George seemed genuinely apologetic but Fred didn't. Not at all."

"Well, we all know why." Hermione couldn't help but smirk.

Rachel rolled her eyes. "If he's trying to win me over then he ought to stop getting on my nerves." Rachel quickly glanced at Cedric. "Besides, I'm actually happy with Cedric."

Hermione smiled. "I know." She linked arms with Rachel. "You've not turned into your animagus for weeks now."


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