44. Goodbye

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"This year is over." Hermione sighed as she packed her suitcase.

"Good riddance." Rachel mumbled back.

The school year had drawn to a close. The girls were packing their belongings away, mostly quietly. Rachel had slept awfully and had done since that night several days ago. The nightmare just kept coming back. She'd see Voldemort's twisted face smiling at her, every time she'd try and escape but she couldn't. Quite frankly, Rachel hoped going home would help things. But she highly doubted it.

Hogwarts was her escape. Rachel felt free here, like nothing could stop her. But now that had all changed. Her summer would not be peaceful, she had deduced from the letters Remus had sent her. He sounded urgent, but it was hard to tell if it was a good thing or not.

Rachel sat on the end of her bed with a sigh, her fingers clasping the photo of Cedric. She watched his smile and eyes light up, over and over again. Hermione noticed and took a seat next to her.

"It's a lovely photo." Hermione said, softly.

"It is." Rachel agreed.

"It was kind of Cho to give you that," Hermione looked at the photo, "I heard she's really struggling at the moment."

"Aren't we all?" Rachel couldn't help but say snappily.

She stood up and carried on packing. Rachel was struggling to process her grief, she had never really had to. She grew up without her parents, James and Lily, she never had to process their death. It was always just known. Rachel grabbed the remainder of her things from her drawer and slammed it shut, Hermione jumped, before throwing them into her trunk.

"I'm sick of... of people staring at me like something's wrong." Rachel hissed, grabbing more belongings. "They look at me like I'm a maimed dog that needs putting down."

"They don't, Rach-"

"Yes, they do!" Rachel turned to Hermione. "Of course, they do! You know that!"

Hermione did not answer.

"I hate it. It makes me feel... guilty." Rachel muttered.

"Why would you feel guilty?" Hermione watched Rachel closely.

Rachel scoffed. "A kid was killed and yet everyone is running to me and acting like I just died." Rachel ran a hand through her hair. "I didn't die. Cedric did. He was murdered. I don't want people looking at me like that, it's pathetic, it's not right. Hell, Harry should be getting more sympathy than me!"

Again, Hermione did not answer. She knew it was better to let Rachel rant and get it all out.

"I feel like I'm taking one step forward and... five steps backwards, at the moment." Rachel sat back down. "I thought I was making progress... I thought I was handling it. But... I guess not."

"You will," Hermione stroked Rachel's hair, "just give it time."

"I don't have time." Rachel sighed and closed her eyes. "I just miss him so much."

"I know you do." Hermione replied. "But please promise me you'll be kind to yourself this summer. You don't have to write me if it helps but... do try and stay in contact."

Rachel nodded quietly and said nothing else. Instead, she finished her packing in silence, Hermione following suit. Sometimes silence was the best remedy.

Once the two were done packing their things, they dragged their trunks out of the room and into the common room. Other students were leaving with their things, excited chatter about the summer brewing. Rachel sighed and walked down the stairs, her trunk loudly thudding behind her. She didn't have the energy to use a charm on her trunk.

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