7. Four Champions

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The Great Hall suddenly seemed a lot smaller now with all the students packed inside snugly. But even then there was not many other foreign pupils had arrived - just the ones over 17 as that was the age restriction for the tournament.

Beauxbatons Academy for Magic was sat with the Ravenclaws, straight posture and would jump up as soon as Madame Maxime (the headmistress) entered the room. It reminded Rachel of her time there, only a couple of years ago. She recognised a lot of the students especially Fleur Delaclour and her small posse of friends. It had been suggested to Rachel by Hermione that she should talk to Madam Maxime, which sounded like a good idea. Only, she would go with Kayla to see the old headmistress.

Durmstrang Institute sat proudly next to the Slytherins, much to Ron's horror. He could not bare the fact that his favourite Quidditch player was perched next to Draco Malfoy. Rachel rolled her eyes at his silly behaviour and repeated over and over that he could see him around school.

Dumbledore quietened the buzzing students as he spoke in a calm yet exhilarated manner. A large chest was placed in front of him that seemed rather boring and so was what was stood on top in all fairness. Rachel drew her eyes away from the strange cup and box to the table where she longed the food would hurry. A sudden chorus of 'oo's!' and whispers caught Rachel's attention as she rose her head up once more.

The once boring cup was now spouting blue flames, intriguing not only the pupils but the staff as well. It was the goblet of fire. Dumbledore explained the mysterious goblet to the awed children, your name as well as school was to placed onto a piece of parchment and put it into the goblet.

"This time tomorrow night." Dumbledore began to say. "The goblet will select three students, one from each school."

At this point the students began to look among the other schools and in hushed whispers, make their predictions on who would enter the Triwizard Tournament. He reiterated the point, no one under 17 may enter. Which, like last time, earned some upset remarks. However, unlike last time both of the Weasley twins remained quiet and smiled. Rachel looked up the table at them suspiciously. They glanced at her and smiled even more cockier.

"What are you planning?" She leant over to them, George laughed at her and went to explain but Fred butted in instead.

"We have made an ageing potion, it will be ready by tomorrow morning." Fred beamed, clearly proud of their achievement.

"Right." Rachel half smiled with a look of amusement at the fact she knew it would not work. "I can imagine that will go well." She continued sarcastically.

"Do not doubt me Rachel." Fred winked at her earning a small but laughing scoff off Rachel.

When the chatter had died down along with all announcements, a sudden banquet appeared onto the table; as if from thin air. Immediately the students fell into chatter once more but this time, as they helped themselves to food. To Rachel it seemed to be the nicest food they'd had Hogwarts, the house elves must have worked hard she thought.

Harry prodded gingerly at some type of food none of them had seen. Harry glanced at it with his face scrunched up slightly in unknown and Ron, as always, was oblivious to it.

"What is that?" Harry slowly said, he wasn't sure if she liked the look of it.

"Bouillabaisse." Hermione barely even looking at it.

"Bless you." said Ron making Rachel giggle.

Hermione rolled her eyes whilst setting her fork and knife down. She scoffed slightly before addressing Ron's imbecility.

"It's French." said Rachel. "I ate it a lot at Beauxbatons."

Hermione scorned at them all before returning to her meal. Rachel chuckled next to her, she always found it amusing when Hermione got annoyed or wound up. Especially if it was because of her. As the feast continued Rachel felt a presence behind her causing her to turn around.

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