10. The First Task

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"Rachel!" Hermione said shaking Rachel awake. "Rachel quick wake up!"

Her eyes fluttered up and a groan escaped her lips as she sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"What do you want?" Rachel mumbled, her eyes barely awake.

"It's the first task today." Hermione scoffed as if it were obvious. "Don't tell me you forgot about it."

"Oh Christ." Rachel breathed before jumping out of bed.

She rushed around frantically trying to gather some clothes, hats, scarves, the whole malarkey. Hermione tried to hide her amusement as she watched Rachel frantically throw on some clothes.

The two girls quickly hurried out of the common room and bumped into Fred and George, who accompanied them down to the great hall. Excitedly they chatted about the odds on each contestant and how well they would do. It did not surprise Rachel that Harry's odds were completely stacked against him.

"Sorry Rach but it is likely that he'll get injured." Fred admitted shrugging his shoulders.

Not able to think of a reply, Rachel laughed shortly. Fred then placed his arm over her shoulders and smiled before continuing to talk to George. A small blush formed in Rachel's cheeks as she glanced at Hermione who smirked uncontrollably.

"Who's your lover boy now?" She whispered teasingly.

Rachel playfully scorned at her but turned back to Fred and smiled to herself, she liked being in Fred's arms. They walked with Ron, who joined them outside the great hall, down to the arena created for the first task specifically. It was a grand place and looked pretty incredible although it did resemble a Quidditch pitch, despite the rocky interior.

"Save us a seat Rach, I'll sit next to you in a minute." Fred said. "Me and George are trying to collect some bet money."

"Of course." Rachel gushed.

Fred shot her a wink before saying off with his brother. Cursing herself, Rachel followed Hermione to the stand, she was making a fool of herself blushing constantly at Fred. When Rachel, Hermione and Ron had finally taken their seats, Hermione suddenly hopped up.

"Where are you going?" Ron asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Champions tent." Hermione said, she signalled to Rachel to follow.

The girls weaved in and out of the many students, all the way down to the tent where the four champions were preparing. They snuck around the back and Rachel popped her head through.

"Harry!" She said, pulling herself through and giving him a hug.

"Rachel what are you doing here?" He asked, returning the hug.

"Saying good luck you idiot." Rachel rolled her eyes.

"Oh, thanks." Harry laughed nervously.

There was a moment of pause as Hermione stuck her head in too, to see what was happening.

"You'll be okay Harry." Rachel said seriously.

He nodded meekly and Rachel stepped aside so Hermione could quickly talk to him. As she stepped back however, she walked into Cedric without realising.

"Oh gosh sorry." She apologised, pushing herself away from him.

"It's quite alright." Cedric smiled at her causing her to grin back.

A sudden flash and click of a camera caused Rachel to jump and spin around. Rita Skeeter had walked in with her photographer, capturing a photo of Harry and Hermione. She smirked at them both.

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