21. The Unexpected

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Here she was, standing in the middle of a dancefloor and staring Cedric Diggory dead in the eyes. Scared witless, Rachel shakily took his hand while his other fell to her waist. He looked at her with a reassuring smile to which she nodded. The music began and instantly they moved.

The four champions and their dates began to move in circles, spinning, smiling or in Rachel's case, looking down at their feet so they didn't stamp on their partner. Noticing this Cedric chuckled slightly.

"Hey." He whispered as they moved past Harry and Pavarti.

She looked up and caught his eyes, when she did he smiled and lifted her up and spun her around. It put a smile on her face so she was much more happier now and continued to dance. Now more and more people joined in and Rachel couldn't understand why she had been so nervous, she had never had so much fun before. Just when she thought it couldn't get any better, the lights quite suddenly dimmed and before Rachel could react, a familiar song began to play.

On stage was The Weird Sisters performing their hit song 'Do It Like a Hippogriff' and everyone flocked to them, some how Professor Flitwick had been lifted into the air by the students and was doing a crowd surf. Because there was so many people, Rachel knocked into Cedric several times. But they both were dancing idiotically so neither of them noticed really, it was only until Rachel spotted Hermione did she drag Cedric over.

"We're going for a drink." Hermione looked between Rachel and Cedric. "You coming?"

"I'm actually alright, I'm going to find my mates. I'll see you in a bit?" Cedric yelled over the music to Rachel.

She nodded quickly as Cedric ducked down and pecked her on the cheek before darting off. With a smirk, Hermione rose her eyebrows and Rachel responded with a quick push towards the Bulgarian boy walking to get some drinks.

"Shall we go talk to Harry and Ron? They look joyous." Rachel laughed sarcastically.

Breathlessly, Hermione strolled over happily and plonked herself down next to Harry, Rachel stood in front of them.

"Hot isn't it? Viktor's gone to get drinks, would you care to join us?" Hermione smiled politely, casting a glance over to her date.

"No, we would not care to join you and Viktor." Ron sneered earning a look from Rachel.

"Alright, calm yourself." Rachel muttered with a dangerous look. "Jeez."

"He's a Durmstrang!" Ron spat. "You're fraternizing with the enemy!"

"The enemy?" Rachel butted in, shocked at how appalling Ron was speaking to Hermione. "You're the one who wanted his bloody autograph!"

"Besides, the whole point of the tournament is international, magical cooperation." Hermione glared at Ron. "To make friends."

Ron snorted besides Harry who was watching him wearily. "I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind."

Disgusted, Hermione stood up, generally looking upset at Ron's awful behaviour. But the same went for both the Potter's who looked at their friend in shame, what had gotten him so riled up about his idol? As Hermione walked away, she quickly spun around, ready to yell at him but she couldn't say the words. Instead Rachel had to watch her walk away, furiously blinking back tears.

"Are you going to ask me to dance or not?" Padma Patil spoke up from Ron's left, Rachel hadn't even noticed her properly seeing as Padma had been sulking in her chair.

"No." Ron bluntly replied, and muttering under her breath, Padma stood up hastily and walked away.

"God, you can be such a dick." Rachel looked at Ron dissapointed before she too stood up to go venture in the crowds of people, she assumed Hermione would want to be alone with Krum and besides, Rachel had her own date.

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