38. Double Date

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Rachel lay, sprawled out on the floor, her face buried deep within a book. She was concentrating fiercely, her hands and fingers moved in strange ways as she read the pages. Hermione, who was sat on the bed next to where Rachel lay, pulled a face. She'd been watching her friend for some time and still hadn't figured out what she was doing.

"Rachel." Hermione rose a brow. "What on earth are you reading that's making your hands move like that?"

Rachel rolled her eyes and chuckled, standing up and moving to Hermione's bed. "I'm learning guitar." She placed the book in front of Hermione.

"Guitar?" Hermione repeated, picking the book up and glancing it over, it read Beginner's Guide to Guitar. "You don't have a guitar..."

"I know." Rachel said, as if it was the stupidest thing she'd heard. "Not yet anyway. But I'm practising the chords... see!" Rachel pointed at the pictures and copied them. "I think I'm getting the hang of it."

Hermione giggled. "I didn't know you liked music like that."

"Well," Rachel leaned back, "perhaps there's loads you don't know about me! No, I'm kidding. I've always wanted to play. We learnt piano at Beauxbatons so I've always somewhat enjoyed music."

"You play piano?" Hermione gasped.

"Surprising isn't it?" Rachel laughed. "Do you?"

"I took lessons as a child, many years ago." Hermione waved her hand and stood up, moving to the wardrobe.

"I quite enjoy it, you know?" Rachel also stood up, standing next to her friend. "It's soothing."

Hermione hummed in agreement and pulled out a light jacket to put on. "Are you going to ask for a guitar for your birthday then?"

Rachel nodded excitedly, also grabbing herself a jacket. "It's the one thing I want more than anything at the moment!"

Hermione laughed and led the two girls out of the room, all the way to the front of the castle. They were going to Hogsmede with each other, as well as Cedric and Viktor. Rachel was unsure how it would go but she imagined it couldn't be all that bad. Viktor and Hermione seemed quite infatuated with one another, Rachel was the same with Cedric. At first, the girls had also invited Ron and Harry along. Ron had turned the request down immediately, Harry soon followed; not wanting to see his sister all lovey-dovey.

Cedric and Viktor were already there when the girls arrived. Stood a little distance away from each other, awkwardly shifting their weight from foot to foot.

"Hi boys." Rachel beamed, immediately walking to Cedric's side who seemed rather relieved she was there.

An awkward silence was in the air.

"Right, um, shall we go?" Hermione looked to Rachel, who nodded frantically.

As they walked, conversation began to flow somewhat naturally, though Rachel and Hermione definitely contributed to it mostly. Cedric tried where possible but mostly just laughed with an awkward tone.

"So... Viktor," Rachel smiled at him, "is it... cold in... Bulgaria?" She cringed at herself.

He said nothing for a moment and mulled the thought over. "No."

"Ah." Rachel nodded and turned her eyes back to the path in front of her.

"It would be cold for you though." Viktor then said, with what seemed to be a smirk.

Rachel smiled back at him with a small chuckle.

Hogsmede came into view, its charming roofline sweeping down onto the paths. The air was warm and light as people hurried about the streets, going about their daily business. Rachel, Cedric and Hermione began to show Viktor around the small town, pointing out a variety of shops that they would frequent. Cedric suggested they took Viktor to Honeydukes and, so, the four hurried off in that direction; the excitement of sweets and chocolate luring them.

"I haven't been here in ages." Cedric commented as he browsed the shelves.

Hermione and Viktor were stood a little away from them as Rachel found her place next to Cedric.

"To be fair," Rachel started, "I don't think I've been here in a while... so... what do you think of Viktor?"

Cedric looked over at the Bulgarian. "He's okay."

"I mean Hermione and Viktor."

"Oh." Cedric looked at Rachel. "I guess it's kind of strange... didn't think she'd go for a guy like that. Though I don't really know her well enough to judge."

Rachel smirked and leant against the shelf, her arms crossed as she watched the other couple. "She's smitten for him." Rachel scoffed. "I just don't think she's quite acknowledged it."

"I know when he asked her to the ball it caused quite the stir, think a lot of people were jealous of her." Cedric's height towered over her.

"I heard the same about a certain Gryffindor that got asked by a rather good looking Hufflepuff, you know?" Rachel smirked.

"Oh, really?" Cedric returned the look and leant over her. "Could have sworn people were jealous of the Hufflepuff."

Rachel's breath hitched in her throat as he stood closer to her. His arm was almost above her head as he leant against the shelf. He got close to her face before he suddenly pulled away, a bag of Bertie Botts jelly beans in his hand. He rose his eyebrow at her and chuckled before moving away someplace else in the store. Rachel shook her head trying to get rid of her blush. She couldn't help the butterflies in her stomach when she saw Cedric.

Especially when he did things like that.

"Are you coming?" Cedric looked round at her.

Rachel composed herself and nodded, following her boyfriend and picking up some sweets for herself. They paid at the till and waited outside for the others. It wasn't long before they were joined by Hermione and Viktor.

"I was planning on showing Viktor the Three Broomsticks," Hermione smiled, "did you want to come?"

"We were going to go for a walk actually!" Cedric chimed in, his hands buried in his pockets with a smile.

Rachel shot him a confused look but nodded and waved goodbye to her friend before following Cedric closely. He offered her a hand and she took it, feeling his fingers wrap around hers. They walked through the small village, smiling at passer-by's until they reached a clearing.

The clearing was quiet, just a few people taking walks, and overlooked the nearby area. The grassy slopes carved out the landscape and was decorated by small clusters of flowers. At one point, Rachel could have sworn she'd spotted a fairy hiding among the tall grass.

"Shall we sit?" Cedric said, finding a spot and lying in the grass.

Rachel laughed and looked down at him. "Cedric the grass is damp. You're gonna get wet."

"Ah, well." He also laughed. "You'll have to join me!"

He lurched forward and grabbed Rachel around the waist and pulled her down to his level. She let out a squeal as she landed on him, her face hovering over his. Cedric poked her in the ribs, causing her to laugh in delight as she was mercilessly tickled. She rolled off him and onto the grass in a fit of giggles.

"Cedric!" She said breathlessly. "Stop!"

"Never." He laughed back at her.


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