40. Just Before

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There was an air of tension to say the least that hung around the Gryffindor common room. The four teenagers sat beside each other in a silence that didn't need to be broken. Their eyes occasionally glossed over Harry's face, in a bid to see what he was thinking. It was hard to tell.

Harry had been quiet all day, with fair reason. The next day was the Final Task of the Triwizard Tournament. He couldn't stop his anxious state, which had rubbed off onto Rachel. She had never felt so useless. She had tried her hardest to prepare Harry as best as she could, though it was proving difficult. Her boyfriend, Cedric, didn't need her at all realistically. He knew more than her. So, instead, Rachel simply had to sit and offer her company to them both.

Now was no exception.

She occasionally nudged Harry, with a small smile, to check he was okay. Harry would meekly smile back.

"Blimey," Seamus broke the silence as he walked through the common room, Dean by his side, "you can cut the tension in here. Has someone died?"

"Not yet." Rachel rose her eyebrows and glanced at them.

"Hey," Dean put a hand on Harry's shoulder with a squeeze, "you'll be fine, mate. Always have, always will."

"Let's hope so." Harry grimaced.

"No one's gonna let you die, Harry." Seamus said, as if it were obvious.

"How do you know that?" Ron looked over. "They almost let Fleur Delaclour's little sister drown."

"Aye, but she's not a Potter." Seamus shrugged. "Well, not Harry anyway."

"Oh." Rachel started. "Thanks, Seamus." She said with a sarcastic tone.

"Eh, I'm only messing with you." Seamus grinned. "You'll be fine, Harry, honest."

Dean and Seamus moved on away from the four. Ron couldn't help but let out a sigh and sink into his chair.

"I wish it would just be over now." He ran a hand over his face.

"Oh, yes, Ronald, I can't imagine how hard it's been for you." Hermione crossed her arms and gave him a stern look. "Honestly, be a little more self-aware."

Ron huffed and pulled a face. Rachel had to force herself to stop laughing. Beside them, a clock chimed and one by one, students made their way up to their bedrooms slowly. The four looked among on another.

"Guess we should probably get to bed." Hermione stood up, being the mum of the group. "I suggest you do too, Harry." She had noticed he hadn't moved.

"We'll come up in a moment." Rachel smiled.

Hermione nodded and dragged Ron up the stairs to the dorm rooms. Rachel turned to Harry and studied his face, he was tired; extremely tired.

"Those nightmares never stopped, did they?" She asked him.

Harry shook his head. "They've just been getting more and more vivid." He subconciously rubbed his head.

"I can tell when they're happening." Rachel said, resting her head in her hands. "I get awful migraines when they do."

Harry seemed puzzled. "How?"

Rachel shrugged. "No idea. Just going to assume it's some complicated magic that obviously has to happen to the Potter twins." She smirked. "It's nothing serious. I've never really noticed it before. It's just sometimes a dull ache, othertimes it gets so painful I have to lie down."

"Maybe it's Voldemort." Harry muttered.

"What makes you say that?" Rachel threw him a look.

"He's coming back." Harry's face turned dark. "I just know it. I can feel it. Especially after seeing the deatheaters at the World Cup..."

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