15. Study Hall

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The study session was starting in a couple minutes and students quickly rushed down the corridors to the hall where it would take place. They often had them, as Harry told Rachel about one in his second year where he had stormed out; due to people whispering about him and speaking rumours.

Although it had only been a year, Rachel thought she had explored the entire school and been in at least all of the classrooms. Clearly she had not as she walked to the hall, she had not noticed it before. Despite being shocked, she was not surprised because of this. The school was pretty large so she could imagine something like seeing this room slipping.

At first the strict severity made Rachel frown as she peered into the room, already teachers - like Snape - patrolled the tables of students to make sure they were 'studying'.

There had been several long tables set out, each having a bench on either side for the students to sit upon. The houses had been mixed, due to which pupils wanted to work with one another. Most of the students were already working as Rachel approached the doors with Harry until Cho Chang came up to Rachel, asking her for a private word.

Awkwardly, Rachel waved Harry on and stepped to the side with Cho where not so many students were. At this point Rachel wondered why Cho wanted to talk to her, perhaps it was about Harry? Cho Chang and Rachel Potter never got along with one another, so this was slightly confusing. At first Rachel wondered if Cho was asking for a favour to do with Harry.

"You're hanging around with Cedric an awful lot aren't you?" She said, looking at Rachel with her eyebrows raised - Rachel scoffed, hadn't thought the conversation would go this way.

"What's it to you?" Rachel asked, although it was true. "Are you two together again?"

"No we're not, because of you."

Rachel rolled her eyes and thought back to the beginning of the year. Cedric and Rachel were in a bit of a vicious cycle because of their relationships. With Rachel, George wouldn't be happy with her hanging round with Cedric. Which was the same for him really, Cho didn't want him being friends with Rachel.

Apparently they had split up because of this, Rachel didn't want to be the blame for it. She wasn't getting involved in anyone else's relationship drama.

"Are you going to get to the point, I'm busy." Rachel said, pointing to the study hall.

"I just don't you want you near Cedric." Cho said bitterly. "He deserves better than you."

"Well that's fine then." Rachel scoffed, making Cho look suspiciously. "But I don't want you near my brother. He deserves better than you."

With that Rachel turned around and walked away into the hall. She did think it was true. Cho Chang, in Rachel's humble opinion, was far too stuck up and full of herself. She seemed to only focus on her problems rather than those of others. According to Cedric, Cho had not even talked to him about the tournament; only about the Yule ball which Rachel thought was typical. She couldn't understand why Harry liked her.

She slid onto a bench next to Hermione, with Ron and Harry just further down. Opposite her was Fred and George with Neville just to the side. Politely, Rachel waved to Neville and gave him a smile. They hadn't really spoken much lately.

"You look miserable." Hermione whispered to Rachel.

"Cho Chang." Rachel muttered, pulling her books and quill from her bag.

Hermione nodded, already grasping what had happened. She then shook her head, thinking about what snarky come backs Rachel must have said. Within this year already, Rachel had a made a few close enemies. Not many people were fond of her, vice versa, Rachel wasn't very fond of many people.

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