4. Secrets Revealed

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The silence came crashing down on everyone like a meteor, no one spoke, no one made a noise. Rachel fidgeted with her hands and looked up. Hermione seemed happy Rachel had spoken up. Yet Ron and Harry was unreadable, she couldn't work out if they were thrilled or terrified or something else.

"No freaking way." Two voices broke the silence, but it wasn't Ron or Harry. It was Fred and George Weasley. They stood with looks of awe and shock at the prospect of Rachel being an animagus.

"Shit." Rachel cursed under her breath.

"You never told us!" George grinned.

"I didn't tell them!" Rachel pointed at her brother and friend. "Merlin's beard, just sit down and shut up."

The twins immediately sat down and didn't say a word against it. They were engrossed at the idea, nothing impressed them this much.

"The healers said that from now on I'd have an extremely short temper. So if I get worked up enough, I'll transform." She continued. "My senses are improved, so that's why I could see that man from so far away. I have a better stamina so I can run faster and for longer."

She looked at Harry who had a smile breaking out across his face and he broke out into a laugh. Rachel shot him a confused look.

"You're acting like it's a bad thing." He continued to laugh.

"It is Harry!" Rachel stopped his laughter. "If the ministry find out then I can go to Azkaban. It's illegal not to be registered."

"But surely St Mungroes registered you?" Fred quickly butted in.

"They told me to go the ministry as soon as I could to register but they're not going to check up on me." Rachel started to explain.

"Just register then. It's easy." Ron scoffed.

"No it's not. Seeing as I'm underage, I'd have some ministry dude looking after me and I would be taken out of Hogwarts because I'm classed as 'dangerous' ." Rachel sadly said.

"How do you know that?" Harry asked.

"I have friends." She smirked at him, meaning she had spoken to Sirius. He nodded and smirked back.

"We won't tell anyone." Fred and George said in unison and everyone agreed.

"Thank you." Rachel sighed gratefully.

Another silence fell on the group, however it was a more of an ecstatic buzz. There was no tension, just a moment of relief and excitement.

"Of course there is only one question to ask." George rose an eyebrow.

"And that is?" Rachel looked up at his mischievous face.

"What's your animagus?" Fred smirked.

Rachel barked a laugh and leant back on her arms, causing her hair to fall down her back. She raised her head some more to look better at the twins and group.

"It's a fox."


The train trundled out of the station with the usual electricity that arose from new students. It was bizarre to believe that Rachel was starting her second year of Hogwarts. It had all gone so fast this last year. Like every new school year, she made a promise that she'd buckle down and do the work. Although it seemed rather unlikely she kept to it.

Rachel had just been to see Seamus and Dean, mainly to see if they were okay. She had seen Seamus at the World Cup. Thankfully they were both fine so she closed their compartment door and began to walk to hers. She didn't get very far before walking straight into someone.

Mischief - Book Two of the RP SagaWhere stories live. Discover now