3. Deatheaters

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"I told you!" Rachel cheered gleefully as she entered the tent.

Ireland had won, like she had predicted. Fred and George lifted her up onto their shoulders, singing gibberish and cheering. Harry and Ron followed in after them, not miserable but defiantly looking slightly downhearted at their loss. The other girls did not seem so enthusiastic but they laughed all the same.

The festivities continued into the night as fireworks shot up into the sky, illuminating the grand stadium. Every Irish supporter danced and sang whilst drinking lord only knows what. Amongst the crowd Rachel had spotted Kayla yelling happily at the top of her voice. She had gone to speak to Kayla but was swept away by a sea of green and white.

Apparently Harry, Ron and Hermione had spotted Oliver earlier. Rachel was actually slightly annoyed she wasn't there. She wanted to ask how he'd been, even if they were no longer together it didn't mean they couldn't be friends.

"Rach was right!" George grinned lifting her off his shoulder.

"Of course she was!" Fred scoffed happily, helping her down as well.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Rachel winked at the boys before running to her brother and prancing around with him.

Mr Weasley joined in with the kids as they happily became ecstatic. It was as if the energy of the crowds filled the kids into being ridiculously excited by the win. Fred and George began to throw their scarves at Ron whilst teasing his loss.

"There's no one like Krum!" Ron said enthusiastically gripping his Bulgarian scarf.

"Krum? Dumb Krum?" George said in a stupid voice causing Rachel to laugh.

"Dumb Krum!" Fred echoed as the two ran around Ron.

"He's like a bird the way he rides the wind." Ron nodded awestruck whilst Fred and George continued changing but now flapping their arms up and down, imitating some sort of bird. "He's more than just an athlete. He's an artist."

By now it was near impossible to hear him over the excessive chants of Fred and George.

"Think you're in love Ron?" Ginny teased as she walked past earning a 'shut up' from Ron.

"Victor I love you,"

"Victor I do!" The twins took turns in saying.

"When we're apart my heart beats only for you!" Everyone joined in singing.

Suddenly loud banging erupted causing Mr Weasley to shoot off outside. The noise continued and what seemed to be people screaming, and not in joy, caught Rachel's attention.

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on." Fred smirked raising an eyebrow as he began to notice the ever increasing sounds.

"Stop it!" Mr Weasley ran back in, nearly knocking into Rachel. "It's not the Irish. We've got to get out of here."

Curious to what the commotion was, Rachel stepped outside of the tent but was grabbed by Mr Weasley. Fire was spreading everywhere as the everyone removed themselves briskly from the tent and into the open. People ran by frantically crying out in fear. Quite roughly, someone latched their arms onto Rachel's shoulders.

"Get out! Get out it's the Deatheaters!" They yelled before taking off and leaving Rachel sick to the stomach.

"Get back to the portkey and stick together!" Mr Weasley bellowed before giving strict instructions to the twins.

Rachel didn't move for a moment, to in shock of what was happening to comprehend the fact she was in danger. Fred quickly grabbed her hand and snapped her out of thought as she was pulled away.

Mischief - Book Two of the RP SagaWhere stories live. Discover now