8. Realisation

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Rachel did not talk to Harry when she saw him that night. Despite everyone cheering for him and egging him on, Rachel hung back in the shadows with Ron. Slightly despising what her brother had done. Had it not been the night before last that Harry had clearly said he did not want any more attention?

It was certainly driving her crazy and it had only been a couple of hours. For some reason the Gryffindor's were bowing at his feet which didn't help matters. All Rachel wanted was to reverse time and perhaps stay forever by Harry's side so he would have no way of putting the name into the Goblet.

"I can't believe he did it." Ron huffed, glaring at his friend from across the common room.

"I wouldn't have minded so much if he had told me about it." Said Rachel, glancing at Ron sideways.

He nodded in response and slipped away up the staircase to his dorm. Rachel decided to escape the chaos and accidentally roughly shoved Dennis Creevey out of the way so she could reach the stairs. However she was pulled back by Colin Creevey who looked far too happy.

"Aren't you happy Rachel! This is so exciting, wow. This has never happened before." He smiled affectionately at her with large eyes.

"Yeah? Well it shouldn't have bloody happened." She snapped back at him, too irritated to be in the company of a younger year obsessing over her life and her brothers.

There was only Lavender in the dorm room when Rachel had finally got inside. She looked up at Rachel with a smug look, scoffed slightly but looked back down.

Rachel made her way to her bed and placed her robe onto it before looking at Lavender with a glare.

"Got something to say?"

"Oh, nothing." Lavender smiled sweetly.

"Honestly, don't test me. I am not in the mood and if you push me you'll end up in the hospital wing." Rachel warned, holding her wand up for good measure.

Lavender nodded and went back to whatever she was doing leaving Rachel in peace. Even though it was really early, Rachel got into her pyjamas and climbed into bed. She reached for her Potions homework and sighed but began to make a start for the 18 inch essay she had to write.

Mainly, she wrote in large handwriting. Scratching out words on purpose to try and fill the space. Once or twice, Snape had made her redo it because it was too scruffy. Rachel as always could not care less. She would not have minded Snape as a teacher if he didn't hate her so much. It wasn't like Rachel had done anything to upset him. Sure she had wound him up but that was nothing compared to what others had done.

Without realising it, she had fallen asleep and woke up to the pleasant coldness that October brought. As she hopped out of bed and readied herself for school, she caught sight of her scar on her stomach. She sighed and pulled her shirt down, ignoring it.

Hermione patiently waited for her by the corner of her bed. She smiled at Rachel as they walked silently down the stairs to the common room.

"You believe he did it don't you?" Hermione said looking to her feet.

Rachel sighed in annoyance and glanced at Hermione and shrugged, she had no idea how she felt.

"I don't want to believe it, let's just put it like that."

Realising the awkwardness, Hermione fell silent. She did not believe Harry had done it unlike Rachel and Ron. It was awkward as she tried to remain calm instead of yelling it would be near impossible for Harry to have entered himself. Instead she frantically thought of something to switch the conversation.

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