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Aurora laughed at Cade, who had fallen down the last two steps on the deck sending him straight into the dirt at the bottom. The man groaned and flipped the woman off before standing back up and trudging to his 'Evil murder room' as Aurora had called it. The last time she walked into the barn the woman nearly had her head taken off the second she walked in by a flying shovel. 

"You have to get over it." Mirage told her as she glared at the barn the man had walked into making her scoff and roll her eyes at the red bot. 

"That's like asking you to get over your ego." The woman retaliated, sticking her tongue out at her guardian who waved her off and walked away from her. "Get over it? I nearly had my head taken off by a shovel!" 

"A shovel?" Mikaela asked as she came to stand next to Aurora, leaning on the railing of the deck. "Do I even want to know?"

Aurora shrugged, "I'm pretty sure Cade is trying to kill me." Aurora laughed at her own words making the woman laugh along with her. 

Mikaela looked at the woman next to her, she could clearly see that the years of wars she went through for the bots took a toll on her. Her eyes were duller than they were when the first war started, scars littered her body like tattoos. But she was still happy, she was happy with the bots, the same ones who saved her and the entire world. She never turned her back on them, she stuck with them even though it made her one of the most wanted people on the planet. But the most important part was that she found someone who could make her feel loved, like she was worth it. 

After her mothers death, Mikaela watched her friend fall into a depressive state. Living with her father wasn't any better, the bruises and slap marks littered her body. Mikaela remember seeing them all and not saying anything because she knew if she did, her friend would be in danger. But now here she is, years later, happy and loved with a new family. This woman went through hell to fight for what's right and she still came out with her beautiful smile. 

"Cade is trying to kill you?" Izzy asked as she walked out of the house with a can of pop in her hand, sipping it as she sat on the bench behind the two old friends.

"Nah. Cade wouldn't be able to land a hit on me, he's too old." Aurora said the teen with a large smile on her face.

The sound of Autobot footsteps sounded from in front of them, Optimus bent down and looked at the three women before steadying his gaze on the teenager. 

"Young Izabella, don't you have school to attend in the morning?" The bot asked making the girl glare at Aurora who raised her hands in defense. 

"Hey, I didn't say anything."

Optimus glanced at his wife before looking back at Izzy who was visible intimidated by the large bot, "I do... but Aurora told me I can stay up with her until she takes Mikaela back home!" Izzy defended, pointing her fingers at Aurora who huffed. 

"Throw me under the bus much, kid?" Aurora questioned with a chuckle and a shake of her head. 

Optimus hummed as he looked between the two, "Very well then." And with that he transformed, his human form walked out of the cab of the truck and up the steps of the deck. "But when you return home I expect you in bed."

"Okay, Optimus." Izzy agreed as she smile at the holoform and taking another sip of her drink and scrolled through her phone. 

Optimus smiled at the girl before wrapping his arm around Aurora's shoulder and pulled her to his side, kissing her temple and rubbed her back. Mikaela watched with a smile as the two looked up at the stars and started pointing out different constellations.

"Optimus," The man looked over to the brunette who had a soft smile on her face, "Thank you for keeping her safe. I thought I would never see her again, but you kept her safe."

Optimus smiled at the woman before resting his free hand on Aurora's cheek and turned to smile down at her, "It is my duty, as a husband and a friend. You are welcome, Mikaela." The brunette smiled at the two.

Aurora laughed and pulled the woman towards the two and wrapped her arm around her in a hug, Optimus reluctantly did the same. Aurora smiled and rubbed Mikaela's back as the three stood in the embrace. 

"You can't get rid of me that easily." Aurora teased as she pulled away from the hug, "I'm like a fly that's impossible to kill." The woman said with a smile on her lips as she looked at the now laughing at her statement. 

"An annoying fly-- Ow!!"

"That was rude, Mik."

The two girls laughed at their banter as the man watched with a smile on his face.

Just like old times.


Hi guys! I'm back from the dead with a short little chapter! I was facing a really bad writers block after the last chapter and tried to think of ideas but I'm beginning to run dry. There is the possibility I will either put this book on hold or complete this book and make a sequel when the new movie comes out next year, but I haven't decided. 

In other news, I just released a new book for any Attack on Titan fans (Looking at you, you Levi simps. Dw I simp for him too.) I do have a few other books in my drafts but I'm not sure if i want to publish them. Please if you want to know what books are in my drafts and potentially want to read them, let me know! I hope you all had a great new year! 


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