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Chapter 43

"It's not always easy but it's always worth it

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"It's not always easy but it's always worth it."

»»————- ☠ ————-««

Aurora stared up at the bot in front of her, "Optimus... What are you doing?" Aurora asked her husband, stepping back when he bent down to her level.

"Give it to me." Optimus hissed as his purple optics met the black haired woman's, sad blue eyes. She searched his face for any sign of recognition but found none.

"It's me, Aurora. I'm your wife, we fought together." Aurora cried, only making the face of the Prime to shift in disgust.

"I would never love a human." He hissed at her, Aurora flinched as the words came out of his mouth. "I fight for my own kind. My own planet." He informed her.

"Aurora?" Cade and Vivian asked, watching the two stare at each other.

"Optimus... You're breaking my heart. It's me..." Aurora muttered

"Give me the staff human."

"Aurora?" Vivian asked the woman in front of her.

"I will kill you." Optimus hissed at the two women.

"Give it to him.." Aurora mumbled, her voice cracking as she spoke.

Vivian hesitated but handed the staff to the Prime who took it from her hands and put it in his chest. Optimus stood to his full height and looked around, his gaze meeting the two Autobots who stood in shock.

"Now. Who dares to challenge me?" Optimus asked before walking out of the hole in the wall he came from before.

Aurora still stood frozen in place, trying to regain her emotions.

"It's all wrong, Bee. Something happened. That is not Optimus." Cade told the scout who looked after his leader. "You gotta find him, Bee. Remember zb-7? You gotta be that Autobot again." Bee nodded his head before he turned back to Vivian. "Look you got to get back to the sub, alright? Mirage will take you. Get out of here."

"Wait, what about you two?" Vivian asked as she looked at Cade and then to the frozen woman who still had yet to move.

"Bee's always had our backs. It's our turn to have his. Go." Vivian nodded her head and ran back to the sub, with the Italian following behind her.

Cade walked over to Aurora and lifted her head to look at him, "That's not him, you know that Aurora." Cade reassured her.

Aurora looked into Cade's eyes, "He said he could never love a human..." She muttered shaking her head.

Will came over to the two and placed his hand on Aurora's shoulder, "We're gonna find him." Will told her, holding her face in his hands. Aurora looked at him and swallowed, nodding her head.

"Come on, we got to get to the top." Cade said as he grabbed Aurora's hand and ran off with Will behind them. The three climbed up a long cable and lifted themselves onto the top of the ship that began rising out of the water.

"Holy shit. Holy shit." Will repeated as he ran along the wet metal, his hand clasped around his daughters metal covered wrist.

"We can make it. Come on." Cade stated as he urged the other two watching as Bumblebee and Optimus fought.

Aurora looked to her left just to see a wave coming right towards them, "Watch out, big wave coming." She called out, "Whoa, whoa, whoa,whoa." She yelled as the wave crashed into them. Aurora quickly propelled herself to the surface before she was pushed over to a drop in the ship.

"I am Nemesis Prime." Optimus called out as he grabbed Bumblebee and slammed him into the metal wall Cade and Aurora were sliding down. "You are nothing." He hissed at the mech as Bee kicked him back.

"Prime, Prime, stop." Cade called out to Optimus as Bee tackled him to the ground.

Aurora took the opportunity to climb onto his chest, "O, you got to stop this." She pleaded with her husband. "Please. Don't do this." Optimus looked away from the woman on his chest, "Look at me, Optimus." She cried, the mech glanced at her before firing a shot at Bumblebee. Aurora rolled off his chest and landed on the ground next to Cade.

"What are you doing? It's Bee." Cade reminded the Prime as they continued to fight. Aurora and Cade quickly scrambled away from the two as Optimus grabbed Bumblebee and placed him over his knee and ripped his door wings off.

"Prime." Cade called out again as Bee was thrown aside. Aurora and Cade ran over to the scout and huddled next to his head.

"Stop. No!" Aurora cried, covering her head as the blade emerged from Optimus' wrist and came towards the three.

"I am Bumblebee, your oldest friend. Optimus, I would lay my life down for you." Bumblebee's raspy voice stated, making Aurora remove her arms from her head and look up at her lover.

The three watched as the Prime froze, his eyes flickering back to the all familiar blue. Optimus groaned and grabbed his head, the red mark fading from the side of his face.

"Bumblebee. Your voice. I have not heard it since Cybertron fell." Optimus stepped back from the three and looked down at them, dropping his weapons. "What have I done?" Optimus asked shaking his head.

Megatron flew in and punched Optimus in the face, making the Prime drop to his knees, Aurora ran forward and reached out for the Prime but he held his hand out to here, telling her to stop.

"You blew your chance to kill Unicron." Megatron said to Optimus as his Decepticons landed behind him. "I knew you couldn't do it. Your time is over, Prime. You failed. You turned your back on Cybertron. Now you will watch earth die." Megatron stated before flying off.

"No." Optimus cried as he flew off with the staff. "Cade, Aurora." Optimus called out as he looked over at the humans, the metal that covered Aurora was shimmering in the sunlight.

"You betrayed your own kind." A knight stated as he and a few others walked over.

Aurora shook her head as they pushed him to the ground, "No, O, get up." She pleaded as she ran over to him, his optics met hers.

"You chose the wrong side."

"The guardian knights are going to kill me." Aurora shook her head even more as she held his face in her hands.

"Quintessa is the great deceiver."

"The judgement is death." A knight lifted his sword and brought it down towards Optimus neck. Aurora and Cade let out a loud yell as their talismans formed two swords, blocking the sword from the Prime.

"Seglass ni Tonday." The knights muttered as they looked over the two humans, Aurora panted and dropped her sword, letting it come back to her body.

"Aurora, I have failed you. I have doomed earth." Optimus stated sadly as he looked at his wife, "Earth, the only place in the universe whose people let me call it home."

Aurora walked over and took his face in her small hands again, "Only you can make it right, O." She told him, tears rolling down her cheeks, "I can't do it without you. One moment, that's all we got." Aurora said.

Cade walked over to the couple and looked at Optimus, "It's up to you, Prime. Because without you, we all die. It's now or never." Cade told the bot who nodded his head.

Optimus stood up sending his wife one last nod before looking to the Knights around him, "My brothers, I will never betray you again." Optimus told the knights.

"I am Optimus Prime. And to save Earth, we must go to Cybertron and destroy Quintessa."

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