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Chapter 2

"Seek what sets your soul on fire

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"Seek what sets your soul on fire."

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Bumblebee pulled into the dark alleyway, stopping to let the three teens out. They watched as more vehicles pulled into the same alleyway, the semi truck stopping right in front of the three before it began to transform.

"Oh boy.." Aurora trailed off watching as the truck transformed inches from her face.

The robot finished transformed and looked down at the three humans, "Are you Samuel James Witwicky, descendant of Archibald Witwicky?" His deep voice rung out, catching the blonde off-guard.

"They know your name."


"My name is Optimus Prime. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron." Optimus spoke with authority in his voice, causing the blonde to assume he's the leader of the group.

"But you can call us Autobots for short." The emergency vehicle spoke up from the right of Optimus.

"Autobots.." Aurora repeated the word, looking around to take in the other five Autobots.

"What's cracking, little bitches?" The grey one called out, doing a back flip and looking around the alley way, giving a small nod to Aurora.

"My first lieutenant. Designation, Jazz." Optimus told the three as he glanced from the humans and Jazz.

"This looks like a cool place to kick it." Jazz jumped back and sat down on the car behind him.

"What is that? How did he learn to talk like that?" Sam questioned as he looked up at Optimus.

Aurora let out a snort, "How else do you think he could learn to talk like that?" She questioned back

"We've learned Earth's languages through the World Wide Web." Optimus informed them.

"See Sam, the internet." Sam looked at the blonde and rolled his eyes.

"My Autobot spy, Mirage." Optimus pointed over to the red painted car, blades on his forearms. "Mirage will also be acting as your guardian, Miss Gordon."

Aurora's eyes widened as she look up at Optimus, "How do you know my name?" She has yet to tell the Autobot her name, so she was slightly concerned.

Optimus glanced down at the girl before kneeling down to her height, "We had done a search of Samuel on the World Wide Web. The site designation, Facebook, informed us that you were his closest friend." Aurora pursed her lips and nodded as the Prime stood back his full height.

'Who knew an alien robot would have such an attractive voice.' Aurora thought as she took in the robot in front of her. Breaking her gaze, she looked over to the red Ferrari robot who looked down at her.

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