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Chapter 14

"Go for someone who is proud to have you

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"Go for someone who is proud to have you."

»»————- ☠ ————-««

Aurora smiled as the Prime landed back in front of them. He shrugged off Jetfires parts and looked down at Sam, "Thank you, Sam, for saving my life." Optimus thanked the boy who smiled.

"Welcome." Sam said as he looked at Optimus. Aurora watched as the Prime turned to the other Autobots and was welcomed back by each and every one. "What are you waiting for, go get him!" Sam came  up behind Aurora and gave her a shove towards the red and blue leader.

Aurora stumbled and glared at Sam, who simply smiled sheepishly and waved at her as he wrapped his arm around Mikaela who smiled at the girl. Aurora walked over and cleared her throat, the Autobots turned and looked at her.

"Optimus." Ratchet called as he pointed down at her tattered form on the sandy ground. The Prime turned and looked down at the girl, a smile gracing his face before he transformed. The drivers side door swung open, the same black haired man stepped out of the cab and looked at the blonde.

Aurora let out a sob before she ran at the man, jumping into his arms and hugged him as tightly as she could. Optimus smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close to him as she cried, "I thought I lost you.." She breathed as she pulled her head back to look into his bright blue eyes.

"I am here now." Optimus comforted her with a smile, she returned it and pressed her lips to his. "I love you," She muttered as she pulled away. "So much."

"And I, you."

A gasp came from behind them, both of them turned to see Leo standing there, his mouth hanging open, "Wait... So-So your boyfriend is a robot?" He asked looking at Aurora and Optimus who stared at him, Leo let off a scoff, "I don't even have a chance.." He muttered as he walked away.

"You didn't have a chance in the first place, kid." Sideswipe spoke up from the sidelines causing the group to laugh.

»»————- ☠ ————-««

"Oh come on, I graduated. I'm done, no more college." Aurora stated as she looked up from her plate at the table, "It was a four year course, Will."

"Well maybe you can go back for something else." The Major shrugged as he picked up a piece of meat on his fork, Aurora playfully scoffed.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?"

"What? No!" Will defended himself looking at her.

Aurora chuckled, "Don't worry, I already got an apartment in Chicago ready to go after the summer."

"That's great sweetheart!" Sarah congratulated Aurora who smiled at her from across the table. "Thank you. But you still have to deal with me on base, Lennox." Aurora reminded.

"Ah yes, you and your Prime. Not to mention Mirage and Arcee."

"Hey! They're the only other girls I like on base." Aurora defended herself as she looked at Will who laughed.  "But I just wanted to spend this last summer here with this little goofball." Aurora reached over and rubbed Annabelle's head, causing the little girl to giggle as she ate her food.

Will and Sarah smiled at the two girls who laughed at the table before looking at each other and smiling. Aurora my not have been their daughter by blood, but it didn't matter to them. They loved her as much as they loved Annabelle.

The laughing stopped once they heard a knock on the door, Sarah stood up and walked over to the door only to be met with the bright blue eyes of Optimus. "Orion, come inside. We're just eating dinner." Sarah stepped aside to let the Prime inside the house.

"Thank you, Mrs. Lennox." He thanked her as he entered the house, "Please, call me Sarah." "Of course." They both smiled at each other before walking into the kitchen where Aurora stood drying  a plate. Aurora glanced over and gave the Prime a smile as she washed the dishes.

"Hey." She smiled at the holoform, she placed the plate onto the proper shelf and leaned against the counter. "What's up?" She asked, unaware of the reason behind his visit.

"Would you like to go for a drive?" He asked, Aurora took note of the nervousness in his voice but brushed it off as she smiled and pushed off the counter. "Of course I do." Aurora told the Prime, "Just let me grab my jacket, I'll meet you outside." She told him with a smile and walked up the stairs.

The Prime let out a sigh and began walking to the door, "Optimus." He stopped and turned to Will who held a beer in his hand, "Good luck." The Prime gave him a nod, "Thank you, Major."

Aurora stepped off the last stair and pulled her jacket over her shoulders and walked out the front door with a smile. She pulled open the passenger door of the semi and climbed in, she looked over at the Prime who was still using his holoform as he began to drive away from her home.

"You're using that an awful lot today." Aurora mentioned as she looked at the man who tensed at the question, not going unnoticed by the blonde, "Are you alright?" She asked as she placed her small hand onto his that held the steering wheel. Optimus cleared his throat and looked at the blonde, "Of course, my love." He muttered as he grasped her hand in his.

Aurora nodded her head, not wanting to press the matter any further. She leaned back in the seat, still holding Optimus' hand as she looked out the window. The two sat in a comfortable silence as the truck rounded corners of the road before reaching the cliff side they sat at after the first war. Optimus parked his alt mode on the grass and opened both of the doors of his cab, allowing the two to exit his interior.

Aurora smiled as she walked to the edge of the cliff and stared out at the sunset. "It's so pretty." Aurora gushed as she looked at the colours that covered the sky. "Why'd you bring me here, Optimus?" She asked as she watched the sun slowly fall below the horizon, she gained no reply from the Prime.


She turned around and looked at the Prime who stood behind her, one arm behind his back. He walked forward with a smile and took her hand in his one free one and looked her in the eyes, "In all my years, I did not expect to meet someone like you." Optimus started, "A human that is filled with courage, compassion, strength and beauty. Bravery bound any of those I have met." Optimus brought his hand up to the blondes cheek and held her face in his hand, "Nor did I expect to fall in love with one. You have stolen my spark, and as long as you shall continue to hold it, I vow to protect you and love you." Aurora sniffled and smiled as she looked into the bright blue eyes of the Prime. "And I would like to spend the rest of my life with you, no matter what happens."

"Aurora Lennox, will you marry me?"

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