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Chapter 22

"You return like Autumn, and I fall every time

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"You return like Autumn, and I fall every time."

»»————- ☠ ————-««

"Sam, you can't do this alone!" Aurora shouted at her friend as she looked at him in disbelief. Carly nodded in agreement as she grabbed his hand, "Sam, if you go out there alone. You'll die." Aurora stated, but Sam shook his head.

"I've got to try and help. I have to. You two stay here." Sam told them both

"Sam, you can't tell me what to do. I'm-"

"Aurora, listen to me." He grabbed the blondes face making her look him in the eyes, "Optimus will kill me if I let you go out there." Sam told her, "You need to stay here with the Lennox and Epps. Please." Aurora looked at him and sighed in defeat, she nodded her head and backed away from Sam.

"Don't die again." She demanded with a point of her finger. He nodded at her and watched her run back to her team.

Aurora jogged over to Lennox and Epps looked the blonde as she approached them, the ring bouncing off her vest with each step. The NEST team ran up the stairs of a building and began to set up above a group of Decepticons.

"We've got five targets and Shockwave right below us." Aurora stated as she peaked out the window down at the group below them.

"Stand by to jump!"

"All right, let's go! Get ready, get ready." Lennox ordered as he looked around at his soldiers who were all in position. "Go!" Aurora adjusted her sniper rifle along the wall and aimed at the eyes of a Decepticon, her finger on the trigger.

"Snipers, take out their eyes." Aurora pulled the trigger and watched as the Decepticon grasped his face and growled. The soldiers ran over and stabbed boom sticks in their feet before running away before they blew up.

Aurora stood up and quickly jumped out from the building, pulling her chute and gliding gently to the ground. Once she made contact with the ground, she shrugged off the chute and tossed it on the ground before noticing the retreating form of Shockwave, "He's on the run!" She exclaimed as she pointed at the Decepticon.

"Autobots, attack!" Sideswipe yelled as they came bounding around the soldiers and chased after the form of the Decepticon.

Aurora looked around the Autobots looking for a specific red and blue bot, but failed in finding him. She let out a sigh and began to jog down the street earning yells from Lennox and Epps. She ignored them and continued to run around the city looking for the Prime.

"Always- the bravest of us!" She heard Sentinel yell as she ran across the bridge, stopping half way as she watched the two Prime's fight. "But you could never make the hard decisions! Our planet will survive!" Sentinel turned and cut the Prime's arm and knocking him to the ground.

"N-no!" Optimus cried out, making the blonde heart jump up into her throat as she watched Sentinel's every move.

"We were once gods. All of us." He threw Optimus to the side, making the Prime to groan out in pain, "But here-"


"-There will only be one!" Sentinel yelled as he went to kill Optimus but was shot by a cannon.

"This is my planet!" Aurora watched as Megatron came charging towards the Primes. Sentinel was propped up against the side of the bridge as he looked over at Megatron and Optimus. "Now. We need a truce... All I want is to be back in charge. Besides..." Megatron looked over at the Prime who stood with his back to the warlord, his shoulder sparking due to the lack of an arm. "who would you be without me, Prime?"

Optimus looked down, now noticing the small frame of the blonde staring at the scene in front of her. She watched as the battle mask covered his face as he spoke, "Time to find out." He stated as he turned to Megatron.

Optimus grabbed his sword and cut off the Decepticons arm before pulling out his ax and sending the blade right into Megatron's head and pulling back, ripping his head from his shoulders. Aurora looked over at the head and watched as sparks flew from the ax entrance in the Deceptions head, she carefully made her way over to the two Primes.

"Optimus, all I ever wanted was the survival of our race. You must see why... I had to betray you." Sentinel told Optimus as his chest sparked.

Optimus looked over at the Prime, "You didn't betray me. You betrayed yourself." Optimus pointed his cannon at the Sentinel causing him to plead for his life before he pulled the trigger.

Optimus threw his gun to the ground and looked between the two lifeless transformers that laid on the bridge. Aurora jogged closer to the Prime and put her hand on his leg in comfort as he continued to stared.

"Hey," Aurora said lightly, "you saved the world, again." She smiled up at the Prime who smiled back down at her.

The Autobots drove over to the bridge, Bee opening his door in order to let Carly out who ran to Sam and wrapped her arms around him. Lennox climbed out of Ratchet and looked over to Aurora who gave a smile and ran over to him, engulfing him in a hug. Lennox smiled and wrapped his arms around his adoptive daughter, mentally thanking that she was okay.

"Can you believe this, saving the world again." Aurora laughed as she pulled away from the man she saw as her father who sent a chuckle back. She stretched and looked around her just to let out a hiss and hold her side, "I think we need to take a break from saving the world." Aurora stated, "Just for a little while."

"In any war, there are calms between storms. There will be days when we lose faith."

Aurora was seen climbing out of the all familiar red and blue flamed semi, a small smile on her face as the black haired man rounded the other side of the truck and grabbed her hand, following her into the building.

"Days when our allies turn against us. But the day will never come... that we forsake this planet... and it's people."

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