Transformers: Age Of Extinction

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"I thought you were dead."

Claire Holt

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Claire Holt


Aurora Lennox/Prime

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"I gave you an order."


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Peter Cullen / Ian Somerhalder

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Peter Cullen / Ian Somerhalder


Optimus Prime / Orion Pax

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"Who are you? And who are you calling "boyfriend?"

"Who are you? And who are you calling "boyfriend?"

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Mark Wahlberg


Cade Yeager

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"You bought a truck?"

"You bought a truck?"

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Nicola Peltz


Tessa Yeager

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"You get your ass beat in Ireland for saying that."

Jack Reynor

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Jack Reynor


Shane Dyson

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"Well this is a great place to hide, a big glass box!"

"Well this is a great place to hide, a big glass box!"

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Stanley Tucci


Joshua Joyce

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{We are the warriors that built this town.}
Warriors ~ Imagine Dragons

{Feels like we're on the edge right now, I wish I could say I'm proud. I'm sorry that I let you down.}
Let you Down ~ NF

{If you leave in the morning, I'll have such a, such a lonely heart.}
Lonely Heart ~ 5 Seconds of Summer

{Mama, we're all full of lies. Mama, we were meant for the flies.}
Mama ~ My Chemical Romance

{Lately I've been on a roller coaster, tryna get a hold of my emotions.}
Needy ~ Ariana Grande

{You'll always be by my side. From the day that I met you, I knew I would love you 'til the day I die.}
Never Forget You ~ Zara Larsson

{Even if I say it'll be alright, still I hear you say you want to end your life.}
Never Too Late ~ Three Days Grace

{I should've known, I'd leave alone. Just goes to show that the blood you bleed is just the blood you own.}
No Time to Die ~ Billie Eilish

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