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Chapter 47

"Sometimes you gotta except the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be

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"Sometimes you gotta except the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be."

»»————- ☠ ————-««

"Is it fear or courage that compels you, fleshling?" Aurora panicked as she looked around the sandy desert she stood in, turning on her heels to face the Decepticon Warlord, the same words he spoke to here before she was knocked off a building. "It was very unwise to refuse my offer to live as my pet."

"You're a disgrace!" The next voice rang out, standing to the left of the Warlord was the same man who caused her trauma. "Your mother would hate what you have become." His hand lifted above his head and came crashing down on the blondes cheek making the girl drop to the ground in pain. 

"Stop..." Her voice was quiet as she looked up at her father who smiled down at her. "Please..." The ground shook slightly, footfalls echoing from behind her making her shake in fear. Who was the one coming up behind her? Lockdown? Starscream? Quintessa?

Her question that played in her mind was answered when a large metal hand wrapped itself tightly around her waist, plucking her from the ground. The woman let out yelp as the grip on her torso grew tighter as the hand turned to allow her to see her captor.

"How could I ever love an abomination like you?" The vibrant purple optics scanned the woman's struggling figure in his fist. "You are a disgrace to your race."


"No... No..." The blonde tossed and turned in the bed, waking the sleeping holoform next to her. "No... please, stop!" The man quickly sat up on his side and placed his hands on the girls waist in an attempt to stop her moving body. 

"Aurora," The man mumbled quietly, one hand moving to caress the girls face and wipe the tears that fell slowly from her closed eyes. "Aurora." He said louder, giving the girl a slight shake making her eyes shoot open and her hands fly to her chest. 

The man before her was quick to back away as her torso was quickly lifted from the bed, her chest heaving as she looked around the room, her eyes stopping on the shirtless black haired man. Her hands still clutched her chest and tears still slipped from her eyes as the man pulled her close to his chest, his hand cradling the back of her head letting her cry into his shoulder. 

"Another nightmare?" Optimus asked as he rocked back and forth slightly, his one hand combing through her bleached blonde locks. The holoform only gained a hum in response from the girl as her grip around him tightened. 

Outside the sun was barely peaking over the horizon, the slightest bit of sunlight broke through the curtains that rested to the right of them. Aurora's sobs became quieter and her shoulders shook less and her grip loosened.

"It's the same every time." Aurora mumbles as she pulls her head from her significant others chest, wiping her eyes quickly with the sleeve of her shirt. "Megatron... my father... you." Her eyes flickered to the piercing blue eyes of the holoform before she looked down at her covered hands. 

"It is normal for humans to have nightmares after traumatizing events." Optimus reminded her as he pushed a strand of her hair out of her face. 

"But you're always in it..." She trailed off, sliding back to sit on her side of her bed and crossed her legs, "It's always you... you're the one who kills me. I get that it's not really you, it's Quintessa. But..."

"There is no need to go into detail, I can see how much it hurts you." Aurora frowned deeper when she noticed the frown that graced his face, but it quickly faded from his face as he looked into her eyes "How about we go for a drive?" 

Aurora let a small smile grace her face, "Okay." The girl smiled as she watched the holoform fade from view, Aurora slipped out from the bed and made her way down the stairs. Aurora grabbed her light jacket and slipped on her shoes before opening the door and walking out into the cool air. 

Aurora smiled as she watched the large garage door slide open and the all familiar semi truck pulled out through the now open door. The hum of the engine made her smile more as it came to a stop in front of her, the passenger door swung open revealing the leather interior. Aurora was quick to climb up into the cab allowing the door to close itself and the belt to make its way over her body. 

"Thank you, O." The girl said as she looked over at the radio and gave a slight smile. The engine revved slightly, letting the girl know he had heard her thank you before he began to drive down the driveway, passing the large sleeping dinobots. 

 Aurora relaxed back into the seat and looked out the window, watching as the sun began to break through the trees. She forgot what it was like to watch the sun rise without having to check over her shoulder every minute just to make sure someone wasn't standing behind her ready to kill her. She almost forgot the beauty in it all, the colours of the sky during a sunset or a sunrise, the sounds of the animals in the morning.

"Are you feeling any better?" Optimus' voice shook the cab slightly, pulling Aurora from her thoughts.

"A lot, thank you for this." Aurora replied as she reached forward to rub the dashboard of the truck.

"You do remember our vows, correct?"

"Of course I do." Aurora replied with furrowed brows, "Why are you asking?"

"To have and to hold from this day forward. For better and for worse, through sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." Optimus recited the same vows the two had said on their wedding day only making the girl smile and look down at the two rings that graced her left ring finger. 

"Till death do us part." Aurora muttered under her breath with a smile.

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