Chapter 8

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I felt a wet cloth dabbing my forehead. I squirmed and forced my eyes open. Alexa was sitting next to me on a bed. A releived sigh escaped her and she gave me a gentle hug. I frowned at her and pulled away. Confused at my predicament I tried to sit up but didn't have the strength. It took a moment to remember why I was being tended to.

"Don't Jade, stay put," she sighed," tell me what happened."

"You don't know?" I said sounding bitter and choosing ignoring the pain in my side. A dull tightness caused incredible pain. I clenched my fists on the fabric of the bed.

"Let me get you some water," she said getting up and leaving the room.

I hadn't been here before but I assumed it was her home. The room was small but nice. You could tell Alexa cared for the opinions of others. I pushed the sweaty blankets from me and saw my side was wrapped up.I tried to remember what happened but I couldn't. The memory was just out of reach. It was obvious I'd been stabbed or possibly hit with an arrow. As hard as I grasped for it the more frustrated I got. Annoyed I pulled myself up wincing slightly at the pain it caused and rested my head on the bedframe.

I studied my surroundings closer now. It was small and cozy. There was a dresser by the window that I strained to look out of. I was definetly at Alexa's home. The sight of the castle walls were in view. My eyes flittered around the room. I caught my reflection in a standing mirror and gasped. Touching my face I felt my pale, sweaty skin. A bruise on my forehead was the only color I had. Purple in this manner did not suit me well at all.

I was burning up and I got scared, very scared and confused. The last thing I remember was myself heading to Michael's.

"I went there because? Because of..." I hurt my brain searching," it was because of Quil!" I grinned weakly glad to remember something.

Alexa came back in and tipped the glass of water to my lips. Silently I drank the cool liquid. After the glass was empty Alexa set it on the dresser and looked at me.

"A lot of visitors have been by," she said wrestling with a string on her purple dress," what happened?" She touched my forehead gently.

"I don't remember," I said honestly upset at myself," Michael might know."

Her eyes glinted with curiosity," why?"

"Quil was at his place," I said remembering in further detail," There was fighting, a flying ax?"

"I can't ask Micheal. He's left England."

It was a week of recovering that filled my days and nights with struggle. They said that the angle of the injury was what saved me. It didnt hit anything important but the tissue would need time to heal. Alexa kept me the whole duration and my mother came by often to lend a hand. When I was able I walked around and ate more food. They said my speedy recovery was a gift from God.

"Sasha!" I grin happily," your back!"

It was just over a week when I had returned home under the watchful eye of my family and friends. My sister was the only one who knew not of my ordeal. I insisted her not to be told. Her journey was not to be dampened by news of my injury.

"Jade!" She jumped from trotting Ginger and ran up giving me a hug," I missed you!"

My side was still slightly sore but I tookmy sharp breath and lightly hugged her back.

"I missed you too!" Sasha and Kyle had paid us a surpise visit. We hadnt expected them back until Sunday evening. My mind tortured me with concern about Micheal and Quil. I shook my head and focues on my sister's elation. I became truly too happy to be worried.

Kyle led Ginger to us and I patted her mane. I had missed her terribly and was glad to see her. Kyle wrapped his free hand around Sasha's and her face blushed. I grinned and nodded to Kyle and Sasha.

"Let me take Ginger to the stable. Father is inside," I said taking Ginger's reins.

"Let me get our luggage off the horse first," Kyle said beggining to take the luggage off.

"Your staying?"

"Yes, with Quil dead and all-"

"Quil is dead?" I asked shocked," when?"

Sasha looked at me with concern and Kyle stopped at his task. They looked to each other then at me.

"You were there Jade."

"I can't remember, but how did you find out?" I asked then realized," Michael?"

"Yes,he told us when he came through France to England," Kyle said to me and loaded the luggage over his shoulders," also said he wanted to start fresh there. Had a young lad with him too, his brither I believe."

After that I waited as they unloaded blankets, food, trinkets, and clothing from Ginger. Sasha grabbed the final bag and the two walked back to the house hand in hand leaving me alone.

I held my side and led Ginger to the stables. She nuzzled my side with he nose. After apologizing for the mess I brought a water to her slowly and left her in the stables. Dizzily I leaned against the barn door and held my side again. The stitches that sealed my side hadnt sealed the stab wound yet. I suppose I was still weaker than I'd like myself to believe. My legs trembled and my vision went blurry. I slid down dragging my loose black dress onto the dirt ground. My thoughts became tangled and confused.

Weakly I called out," help."

Ginger neighed in the stable and pounded at her fence. I closed my eyes and tried to breath again. I felt my father picking me up and bringing me inside the house. The crunching of boots on gravel, the sound of a parental heartbeat calmed me. For a moment once more I was his little girl and he was my valiant knight. I soon drifted off to sleep.

Jade MedievalWhere stories live. Discover now