Chapter 10

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The spring was ending and summer had rolled in. The hot weather made my need for blankets a burden. The picnic was the only excitement that waited for me. I felt like a bird in a cage. I longed to stretch my wings out again and fly. Even if it's for a short time. I missed being out of the house.

I knew what had happened the day of my injury. Michael had told me when we'd arrived at the house a day ago. I had forced my eyes open and my brain to work. Kiara listened intently and all three of us had sat in the living room on the padded wooden couches. I could easily of died that day, but I didn't die.

I respected waking more than I ever had. Yet I still felt trapped and alone. Nobody else was as sick as I could be. The infection made my skin red and inflamed. Felina, the maid, and my mother both resided in the rooms opposite to my own.

Knock knock.

"Come in," I said stretching my arms and pushing the covers further from me.

Felina peeked her Spanish head into my door. She had a bucket of hot water and a cloth in her hands. Mother was right behind her holding medicine and bread with red jam on it. I curled my nose at the medicine but licked my lips at the food.

"Show your injury to Felina like you did yesterday," mother said calmly. I noticed a worried crease line on her forehead. She masked her worry well but I knew.

Obediently I allowed Felina to dab the clean, wet cloth on my skin. I heard Sasha knocking at the door.

"I got the alcohol," she chirped.

"Come in dear," mother mused.

Sasha glanced my way once but couldn't hold my gaze. I knew that meant I was about to be in pain. I grabbed her hand before she left.

She gave me a weak smile and kissed my hand gently," get better Sis."

I nod my head and tears threaten my eyes.

Felina daps the cloth into the alcohol now and warns me before she begins to work on my injury. Mother tips some medicine into my mouth and forced me to swallow. As a reward I get to eat the bread and jam. Ignoring my side I graciously eat my meal and watch mother and Felina as they ponder over what else they could do.

"Wrap it up in clean fabric," mother says and sends Felina out to fetch some from the closet.

Felina comes back quickly and Sasha is brought in also. Felina and Sasha hold me up, inches over my bed. Mother wraps the cloth around me twice before it runs out.

As they file out to let me rest I kiss mother's hand," thank you."

"Of course, now sleep if you want to go to that picnic."

I nod my head and lay flat on my back. My eyes slide shut as she leaves. The picnic is tommorow, I'd get to see everyone then. Kiara had set everything up and she came by yesterday to tell me where and when it would be.

"At the creek, the spot with the calm waters and purple flowers. Meet there at 12:00pm. Your in charge of jam and bread," she had said to me.


I wore my same outfit that I wore that night in the forest. A symbol of freedom I suppose. I brought my sword with me however. Someone could snoop in my room and find it and that would be bad.

Mother and father had been told something else. They believed I had been attacked in the streets by thugs. After I had assured them the only harm received was my stab, they relaxed slightly.

With the sun high in the sky I brought my basket full of grain bread and jams. Ginger was excitedly waiting in his stable. I fed him some hay and placed a thick wool blanket on his back. The basket attached to the weavings of the wool easily.

It was so warm and delightful. Ginger whinned and rose to kick his front hooves in the air. I patted his mane understanding him completely.

"I know Ginge, time to stretch both of our legs," he neighed in response, and I became witty," Why yes, I do know I'm a better rider than Sasha!"

I took Ginger to the purple flower patch that grew by the calm creek. Alexa was already there, I sped up and jumped over the creek.

"Hi Jade!" Waved Alexa, I waved back with my right hand.

"Hey!" I called back and dismounted Ginger.

We spoke about her seamstressing and what I missed. Cougar and Kiara had an announcement when they arrive later. Mint is bringing a bubbly blonde from another tribe. Her name was Fern, ironic I know, and she was two years younger than Mint so my age.Sparrow was out hunting and couldn't make the picnic. Michael had moved away for good now, merchants where needed in France and the rising Power Spain.

"Serious guy that Sparrow," Alexa joked but I understood Sparrow's strides to be the best he could. With the extra weight of being the leader of a tribe, well...I hope he can make time for himself.

Alexa helped me roll a nearby log closer to the creek. I tied Ginger to it with a rope and gave it enough slack for him to reach the water to drink. I sat on a rock and reached my hands into the water. I peered to the galloping of horses at my right and saw them coming. Cougar and Mint walked behind the two horses, arms hanging low and heavy. They seemed to be pulled along by the horses. Alexa reached out her arms and I noticed she was counting. The silhouettes hurried closer with so much speed Mint and Cougar had been dragged behind.
"There is more horsemen! Over there!" Alexa is yanking me now by my sleeve.
I bite down on my teeth and untie Ginger. Alexa mounts up on the horse and we run out of the field. Over my shoulder I can see my friends, hurting. I can see the increasing number of horsemen taking posts along each hill ridge.
I see each arrow on each bow...pointed at us, it's everything I can do to pull my gaze forwards.

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