Chapter 35

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When Micheal left to get Fillip I looked around trying my best to seem carelessly casual. I slowly walked to the fabric shop back straight and eyes calmly looking around. I pulled my dress hem up as I stepped over a puddle instead of going around.I caught the eye of a man to my left. The blacksmith, who had been working on a sword, chuckled as he saw my worn boots exposed from under my dress. A wave of worry overtook me until he grinned at me and made no move to tell a soul. His face was covered in grit and his clothes had been worn out well. He placed a finger to his lips and then chuckled again continuing the sword.

A soldier moved towards me although I didn't realize until the blacksmith nodded his head right two times. I turned from him and made sure my boots couldn't show. This is when I had noticed the soldier and I thanked the blacksmith graciously in my mind.

"Now," I said to myself quietly," time to visit a shop."

A man was reciting lines from a worn old book and this caught my attention. A collection of people crowded around him to listen. I heard gasps from the group and curious soldiers walked towards the man.

"This book contains all my studies about this world. Such a vast land unknown to many but I Hark Davidshire am working to understand it," The man announced shifting slightly under the gaze of so many.

"God will explain to us when he sees mankind worthy," A tall priest said rather amused by Hark's words," don't be foolish man."

"He is but a boy," one woman cackled at the priest," Emma's boy. Guess he got lost when she passed away. The boy is but seventeen."

Hark frowned at the woman annoyed at her. I was gaining curiosity in these studies he had in the book that clung very close to his chest. I circled around the crowd to get a better view. A man shoved his way closer to Hark. Soon the man's nose was an inch from Hark and his mustach fitted to the deep scowl plastered across his wrinkled face.

"Idiot boy you ruin my name!" He said wavering, an empty bottle waving in the air," stupid boy."

Hark said nothing to the man.

"She was too soft with you, your imbecile mother didn't raise you right," he waved his arms about smashing the bottle on the cobble," messed you up," he is two fingers making a circle by his temple.

Soldiers shifted as tension rose. Those who knew Hark's mother, Emma, angrily shouted at the man. His moustache was filled with saliva as he shouted for them to shut up. Hark stood straight, one hand still pinning the book to his chest.

"My mother was an extraordinary woman; kind, smart, and patient. Far better than you father in all regard because you sir are as daft as a dumb cow and as drunk as you are cruel. A bitter soul and I hate you," He spat at the man's old boots,"I will collect my things and then I will be off by sunset."

With that Hark marched off saying a quick goodbye to two older women the heading off. An idea struck me immediately. I could convince Hark to sneak me, Fillip, and Micheal out of the kingdom. I discretely left the square trailing behind Hark, who had his hands in his vest pockets, book under his arm.

"Excuse me," I said tapping Hark's shoulder twice.

"Hi," he said pausing to think then turning to face me and grinned at me," Your Jade."

I scrunched my brow and he explained by pulling out a crumpled paper," Troublesome lady. How did you manage to escape the palace dungeons?"

"You going to turn me in?" I questioned quietly.

"Nah," he said crumpling up the paper with my image and tossing it carelessly over his shoulder.

"You seem pretty smart I suppose you can work out what I want?"

He stepped closer so I could feel his breath on my neck," you want out. I can help you with that."

"Good,"I said quietly into his ear," but I have a...companion that would need to go with me."

Hark raised a brow," a lover?"

I said nothing," not sure yet."

Hark nodded slowly as he stepped back,"I don't see why I can't give it a go helping you."

"I don't want my other friend to become under suspicion so your help would be most appreciated," I said sincerely," I have to meet up with them now they should be waiting. One of then had been poisoned not sure if that has been cured yet."

"Meet up in the square again by the blacksmith's shop. He was good friends with my mother," Hark saddened for a moment reflecting then shook himself back.

I nodded and hurried back to the square to meet Fillip and Michael. I waited wandering around purchasing some bread, jelly, and dried meat for the journey. I was frugal saving a good share of Michael's money to return to him. I then listened to a boy and girl duo playing a string instrument and singing a tune new to me. The boy's face was covered in soot but a happy grin was growing on his face. His sister had dirty hair and eyes so blue they made the square less dim.

"Here," I said handing them a small piece of bread each," love the band," I said gently poking the little girl's nose," what's your names? I am," I paused," call me J."

"Like the bird or the letter?" The girl said tossing her pale dress from side to side.

"Whichever you wish."

"I am Tony and my sister here is Beth," he answered.

I knelt to their height," stay well. I very much enjoyed the music."

"Thanks miss," the girl said in unison with her brother.

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