Chapter 32

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At the base of my feet water had rushed down to create a pool of wet earth. I wrung out the wet fabric of my dress moving out of the shadows for warmth. The area I stood in was a curved area of shrubbery. Shadows cast into the mid point so I moved to stand in a singular patch of sunlight. I shivered as my wet hair dripped down my back and gently tugged my hair from my dress. Barefoot I walked back to where I had left my sword and snatched it up cleaning the handle off on the grass. Now I faced the two soldiers, rendered unconscious, laying side by side as I placed them, and muttered to myself about their poor ability. I snatched up my shoes and socks and stood silent for a moment looking around. My mind was blank as my freezing body tried to soak up the warmth of the sunlight then I realized it...

I realized Fillip wasn't here, " Fillip?!" I carried my sword in hand and stepped from the warm sunlight into shadows, out from the shrubbery, and looked past the branches, "Fillip?!"

I continued towards the camp, question still unanswered, very unsure of the situation. I was nearly too chilled to suspect what had happened but I forced myself to stay observant. The horse we rode was startled but not in a crazed frenzy as he would be if Fillip had been in serious trouble. His ears twitched hearing noises that I was unable to detect. I patted his side in an attempt to calm him as I walked past and stepped on something sharp. I let out a muffled exclaim of pain as the object pierced deeper into my foot. I looked down and saw the broken glass jar and oatmeal spread out on the ground. I bent forwards and saw the fragment of glass had gone deep into my foot. With one hand holding my dress up ,so I wouldn't fall flat on my face, and the other outstretched for balance I laughed at how ridiculous I must look. Then, after a moment of self reflection, I began hopping on my good foot carefully from the mess and bent over. I was nearly tripping on my dress as I did so. My foot wailed slightly as I pulled the fragment of glass from it and a trickle of blood dripped onto my dress.

"Fillip?!" I said again becoming agitated at this entire situation.

I peered into the distance and saw him sword fighting with a man. He waved at me with one hand when I shouted his name again.

"I'm fine just hang on a minute!" He shouted.

I kept a watchful eye on him but he was fine so I cleaned out the cut then sprawled out in the sun drying off and warming my fingers and toes. Fillip's shadow loomed over me moments later and I opened one eye.

"Took you long enough," I teased him.

"Yeah well it was fun while it lasted," he grinned wavering.

I sprung upwards catching him confused at this behaviour. He had no wounds or any kind or signs of being in the sun for too long.

"What is it?" I asked struggling to help him to the ground slowly.

"Don't eat the berries," He slurred before collapsing in my arms dragging me with him.

His hand opened to reveal dark blue berries the size of a pea. They smelt sweet and I rolled Fillip onto his side. A method used my mother when father had become sick one year. She had said it helps breathing and is a safer way to sleep when ill or poisoned. I have no idea if these berries are fatal or how seriously Fillip will be affected by them. This wasn't the only problem I had however; the man I had rendered unconscious would soon be up again and the man Fillip had 'taken care of' was heading straight for me. He had followed Fillip to the camp like a fox hunting the leftover prey of a wolf. Although in reality he saw himself as this wolf and me as prey. I stood snatching up my sword in one swift movement and slashed at the oncoming man Fillip had failed to defeat. He grumbled when he fell backwards avoiding the sudden danger best he could. An angled scratch marked his chest but this wasn't near fatal.

"A pretty thing like you knows how to use a sword then?" He said in a rich northern accent," only sharp thing you ladies should be usin' is a kitchen knife to make me supper!" He chortled at himself.

"Who are you? What's your business here?" I said moving forward pointing my sword at his throat.

We clashed swords and I swung to cut across his chest again yet the tubby man dodged my attack. I began to try and find his weakness by what I could see and already knew. This man was tubby, he had no hair on his head but a thick beard and he was full of himself. He was stronger than me but I was faster, I saw already that my quick attacks caused him some trouble. His breathing was heavy so I moved quickly again, striking his legs this time. Successfully I knocked him over causing some blood spill as I did so. My stance remained poised, left leg towards the opponent, right leg backwards for forceful attacks and my left arm outstretched for balance.

"I will ask you again: who are you and what is your business here?"

"Duke Elkman from the empire Youtuket," he said raising his chin as he lay.

"Never heard of that place," I said simply and moved closer pressing my sword to his chest.

"That's cuz I was lyin' to ya miss," he chortled again standing up and managed to grab Fillip by the hair.

I unconsciously stuck for the man and pierced him deep in the ribs. He groaned but retaliated my putting a dagger to Fillip's throat.

"Don't you dare or I will carve the heart out of you and feed it to the wolves!" I shouted at him furious.

He cut into Fillip on the base of the neck causing blood," you can't  stop me little girl."

"You sick little," I said losing my posture and trying to find a plan of action.

"Make one step and he dies," the tubby man chortled," you know how easy it is to slit a throat. Do what I say and maybe we can reach a common ground?"

I was silent.

"That wasn't the mission," someone said from behind me but my eyes where focussed on the blood coming from Fillip because of the tubby man. This was a grave mistake.

Whack! Something crashed upon my skull causing me to drop to the floor. It wasn't very hard but with my recent injury it did it's job. Did the man see my bandaged head and take go easy?

"Damnit," I groaned.

Then everything went to black as the tubby man chortled.

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